mixt media basel (ehemalig)
mixt media basel (ehemalig)
Hans Wüthrich
Birseckstr. 11
CH-4144 Arlesheim
Tel: +41 (0)61 701 39 23
Mobile: +41 (0)76 342 58 13
Founded in 1974, the ensemble 'mixt media basel' is specialised in cross-border, predominantly musical theatrical productions (in its widest sense), and consists accordingly of artists from various genres including music, acting, elocution, visual arts, installation, requisite and performance.
Membri:Joana Adéri (mezzosoprano)
Alex Buess (elettronica / nastro magnetico)
Daniel Cholette (pianoforte)
Alain Girard (oboe)
Stefan Gisler
Christiane Klann (soprano)
Béatrice Mathez (contralto)
Walter Meier (tenore)
Daniel Ott (pianoforte)
Diana Sarova (soprano)
Hannes von Holt
Matthias Würsch (batteria)
Anina Wüthrich
Hans WüthrichUltimo aggiornamento: 2020-10-06 14:35:50