* 08. 08. 1936.
Born in Biala-Podl, Poland
1959 - Graduated from the Varsovie School of Music (violoncello)
1961 - Graduated from the University of Varsovie (musicology)
1960 - Begins activities in music criticism, author of programmes for radio and television as well as articles for the press
1970 until 1973 - Assistant chief editor for the music department of 'Polskie Radio' in Varsovie
1973 until 1976 - Artistic director of Polish Phonography 'Polskie Nagrania-Muza'
1981 - Emigrates to Switzerland, naturalized in 1995
1981 until 2001 - Manageress of the Music Hug CD department in Lausanne and Geneva
1981 until 2000 - Director of choirs in Neuchâtel and Lausanne (Bussigny et Chavannes)
Present activities: Swiss corresponding collaborator of 'Ruch Muzyczny' bi-monthly in Varsovie.
Dernière mise à jour: 2020-10-06 16:48:10