Haeni Paula

(0000 - 0000)

Haeni Paula


Activités: Compositeurs/Compositrices, Improvisateurs, Interprètes
* 0000, † 0000.

Paula Haeni is part of a young movement of musicians who want to break the boundaries between genres and explore new paths. She works intensively with electronic and new music, combining these impressions with improvisation and performative elements. Paula Haeni focuses primarily on low clarinets, allowing bass and contrabass clarinets to take center stage and unfolding the possibilities of these special instruments. Contemporary and transdisciplinary projects are at the center of her work; she is part of latenz ensemble, the Insub Meta Orchestra and Blau Salvatge, among others. Paula Haeni teaches at the Bern University of Arts alongside her freelance work . She also organizes, supervises and manages numerous projects. In the first half of 2024, she will be working at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris as part of a studio scholarship from the Aargauer Kuratorium. Paula Haeni currently lives and works in Baden and Bern.

Source de la photo de profil: Nicole Benz

Dernière mise à jour: 2024-05-07 17:42:21