HOW2 (ehemalig)
HOW2 (ehemalig)
Daniel Buess
Duggingerhof 52
CH-4053 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 331 08 78
Fax: +41 (0)61 331 08 78 HOW2 was founded in 1996 by the two percussionists Daniel Buess and Daniel Stalder with the intention of expanding their field of musical activity using their collective experiences with various contemporary musical currents. Because there are very few interesting pieces in the percussion literature, the repertoire of HOW2 is composed primarily of pieces written exclusively for the duo. Contact with composers and musicians from various genres is considered very important for the two musicians; it is thus that new works have been and continue to be developed by Alex Buess, Daniel Almada, Johannes Harneit and Michael Werthmüller. Laminar, flowing denatured sounds, radical beats and turbulent rhythms can all be found in the music of HOW2. The elimination of borders, experimentation, a disregard for the hitherto conventions and taboos of various musical genres and conventional concert situations are issues revered by the duo. Their interest in the expansion of the percussion's tonal possibilities and the denaturing of sounds has led to works produced using electronic methods. The exchange between man and machine and the resulting interplay is the central topic of their CD 'Turing Machine' (1999), with works by Daniel Buess, Maarten Altena, Rico Gubler, Iannis Xenakis and Alex Buess.
The concerts of HOW2 are not, as many concerts with so-called "new music", intended for a particular elitist audience; they also appeal to people who are not familiar with electronic music and find their way in via other genres. HOW2 organises its concerts and performances with a preference for unusual venues, for instance in museums or garages!
Membri:Daniel Stalder (batteria)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2020-10-06 14:35:50