Peter SchärliBallade pour une pierre (1985)
Instrumentation: for voice, trumpet (with mute), piano (or guitar) and double-bass
Texts: Sandy Patton
Duration: 6' 30"
Rudolf JaggiZwei Lieder (1957-1969)
Instrumentation: for high or medium voice and piano
Texts: Hans Schütz, Alfred de Musset
1. Ruhe (Hans Schütz) (3')
2. Tristesse (Alfred de Musset) (3')
Duration: 6' 00"
Katharina RosenbergerE.E.Cummings Miniatures (1999-2001)
Instrumentation: for voice and piano or voice and percussion
Texts: E.E. Cummings
there are so many tictoc (1999) voice, piano 1'30
dying is fine(but Death (1999) voice, piano 1'45
l(a (2001) mezzo-soprano, percussion 1'00
n (2001) mezzo-soprano, percussion 1'10
Duration: 4' 00"-7' 00"
Yehoshua Lakner"Morning Song" and "Day is Gone" (1949)
Instrumentation: for singing and piano
Texts: Elisheba
The morning song is quick and rhythmical, the evening song slow and elegiac.
Duration: 4' 30"
Vladislav JarosZwei Lieder nach Gedichten von Peter Weibel (1985)
Instrumentation: for singing voice and strings (or string quartet)
Texts: Peter Weibel
The autumn atmosphere becomes music, as delicate as poems by Weibel. Relatively simple to perform. An appeal to the musicality of interpreters...
Duration: 14' 00"
De-Qing WenComplainte (Lament) (1994) Instrumentation: for one reciter of Peking opera and three percussionists
Texts: Chinesisch
I chose unusual percussion instruments on purpose because these objects are part of our everyday life, yet their sound is rarely heard in concert halls. Some instruments and tones have symbolic meanings. Because there is no set pitch, rhythmic organization is of the utmost importance.
Duration: 13' 00"
Sarah HaessigDie Geister am Mummelsee (2008)
MelodramaInstrumentation: for voice, string quartet, flute and harp
Over a poem by Eduard Mörike.
Difficult interplay.
Duration: 9' 00"
Balz TrümpyLibera (1975)
Instrumentation: for eight voices, electronic organ and synthesizer
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
A snippet of text from the Catholic Requiem Mass is phonetically 'dissolved', reassembled as loud formations and returned to its original unit.
Duration: 20' 00"
Peter SchärliKrieg I-IV (1998)
Instrumentation: for brass quintet (, voice and timpani
Duration: 10' 00"
Kit PowellFather's Telescope (1989)
Musical theatre pieceInstrumentation: for singers, orator and electronic tape
Texts: Michael Harlow
Playful work dealing with power and submission.
Duration: 15' 00"
Peter SchärliRequiem für die Unschuld (1998)
Instrumentation: for brass quintet, voice, timpani or for trumpet, french horn or saxophone, trombone, piano, double-bass and percussion
Duration: 9' 00"
Yehoshua LaknerBeen Arbaim Bayam - Dämmerung beim Meer (1959)
Instrumentation: for singing and piano
Texts: Dvora Levinson
Quiet but syncopated undulations alternating with highly charged, stormy passages.
Duration: 2' 00"
Balz TrümpyPhasia (1976)
Instrumentation: for voices
Texts: Bertolt Brecht
Based on a poem by Bertold Brecht.
Duration: 10' 00"
Luca Martin2 Lieder (2013)
nach Texten von Vincent van GoghInstrumentation: für mittlere Stimme und Klavier/Sprecher
Texts: Vincent van Gogh
1. Sternennacht über der Rhône
2. Der Sämann
Uraufführung: 20. Oktober 2013, Hans-Huber-Saal Basel; Mezzosopran: C. Metz; Klavier: R. Reichenbach
Duration: 5' 00" (Vincent van Gogh)
Stephan LaufferEschenzer-Lied (2006)
Instrumentation: for voice and piano
Composed in the spring of 2006 for the open-air concert 'Dorfmais' in Eschenz.
Duration: 3' 00"
also avaliable for mens choir or mixed choir: CHF 12.-
Michel HostettlerVendanges (1980)
Instrumentation: for voice and piano
Texts: Marianne Bonzon
Duration: 3' 00"
Balz TrümpyZwei Lieder (Rückert) (1984-1985)
Instrumentation: for high voice and piano
Texts: Friedrich Rückert
Based on poems by Friedrich Rückert.
Duration: 4' 00"
Kurt MeierDu Leuchte der Welten (1999)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and lyre
Duration: 3' 00"
Dieter AmmannVenite a dire / Raummusik (2000)
2 madrigalsInstrumentation: for 12 solo voices (3S3A3T3B)
The three pieces are formally independent of each other and can be performed seperately.
Duration: 14' 00"
Michael SchneiderStrassburgkonfiguration (1998)
Instrumentation: for vocals and piano
Texts: Hans Arp
A text by Hans Arp on the emergence of Dada in 1916. Contains numerous musical cross references and aleatoric passages, with ambitious a-a" vocal range.
Duration: 3' 00"
Kurt MeierDer da ist die vollkommenste Liebe (1999)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and lyre
Duration: 2' 00"
Jacques DemierreJe deviendrai Médée (1986)
Instrumentation: for solo voice
Texts: Euripides, Heiner Müller, Pier Paolo Pasolini
What is stronger than to see this woman, Medea, who progressively propagates and accomplishes her own myth?
Duration: 30' 00"
Pierre ThomaRugir/écrire/marcher (1988)
Instrumentation: for one voice and any brass instrument
Texts: Vahé Godel
Based on a text by Vahé Godel.
Duration: 9' 00"
Alfred KnüselErinnerung an Bevorstehendes (1993)
Instrumentation: for double choir or between four and seven solo voices and a-cappella tutti choir
Texts: Fritjof Capra
In eleven parts, the form of which involves rather the integration of a heterophonic soundscape more than its actual development.
Duration: 17' 00"
René WohlhauserMusica Assoluta e Determinata (1981)
Ergon 8, Nr. 1Instrumentation: Stimme und Kammerensemble (Stimme mit 4 Tempelblocks, Trompete in C mit Claves, Elektrische Gitarre mit Röhrenholztrommel, Große Schlitztrommel mit großer Kuhglocke, Pianoforte mit Woodblock)
Einzelne Tonpunkte verdichten sich, werden zu Figuren erweitert. Analog dazu wird jeder Instrumentalklang durch ein Perkussionsinstrument erweitert, bis ein dichtes Gewebe erregt oszilliert und sich dann allmählich beruhigt.
Duration: 3' 00"
René WohlhauserLargo elettrificato (1981)
Ergon 8, Nr. 2Instrumentation: for chamber ensemble with electronic sound alteration (voice, trumpet in C, electric guitar, percussion, piano, vocoder, harmonizer, ringmodulator, continuous electronic tape-loop and playback)
Elektronische Klangumwandlungen traditioneller Instrumentalklänge evozieren ein "ästhetisches Fluktuieren".
Elektronik: Vocoder, Harmonizer, Ringmodulator, Tonbandschlaufe, Zuspielband
Duration: 1 - 3 min
Jacques DemierreExpinnocence (1986)
Instrumentation: for voice, two pianos and violoncello
Texts: William Blake
Written for an improviser/reader, these pieces attempt to recreate a fantasy world in honour of some of William Blake's poems.
Duration: 45' 00"
Martin MetzgerBasel-West (HipHop-Stück für Symphonie-Orchester) (2001)
Instrumentation: for two rap voices and orchestra (pic.2.2.ca.2.bcl.2/
Duration: 8' 00"
Parts: CHF 30.-
Jacques DemierreInstrumentation: for solo voices
Texts: Alltags- Werbe- Mediensprache
The performance of a singer who tries in vain to suppress her fit of giggles.Sponsored by the SME Lucerne.
Duration: 5' 00"
George BarcosBochorno (2004)
Instrumentation: for voice, violin, bandoneon, piano and double bass
Duration: 5' 00"
Michel HostettlerTourne-girelle (1981)
Instrumentation: for three identical voices and piano
Texts: Marianne Bonzon
Duration: 3' 00"
Bernhard SieberLass scharren deiner Rosse Huf (1973)
Instrumentation: Hohe Stimme (e' - a'', bzw. e - a') oder: Mittlere Stimme (Bariton: c - f')
Texts: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Duration: 1' 24"
Balz TrümpyVier Gesänge (1986-1987)
Instrumentation: for deep voice and piano
Texts: Jürg Signer, Ute Höllrigel, Eveline Hasler, Erwin Jaeckle
Based on poems by Jürg Signer, Ute Höllrigel, Eveline Hasler and Erwin Jaeckle.
Duration: 15' 00"
Alfred KnüselSechs Miniaturen als Tafelmusik (1994)
Instrumentation: for recorder quartet, string quartet, harpsichord and singing voice
Duration: 10' 00"
Pierre-André Bovey3 Epigrammes d'André Chénier (1980)
Instrumentation: for flute (also flute in G) and voice
Duration: 4' 00"
Katharina Rosenbergerla chasse (2007-2010)
Instrumentation: for two voices or for two alto saxophones
Texts: Katharina Rosenberger
Duration: 4' 40"
Fortunat Frölich5 Fragmente aus der Ersten Duineser Elegie von R.M. Rilke (1997)
Instrumentation: for singing voice and piano
Duration: 13' 00"
Bernhard SieberErster Schnee (1977/2017)
Instrumentation: Gesang (Sopran c' - f''), Klavier
Texts: Gottfried Keller
Duration: 2' 50"
Fortunat Frölich5 Borchert-Lieder (1999)
Instrumentation: for singing voice and piano
Texts: Wolfgang Borchert
Text: Wolfgang Borchert.
Duration: 12' 00"
Alfred Knüsel... und lässt in gewisser Weise Bindung hinter sich (1997)
Collection of four ecclesiastical songsInstrumentation: for singing, keyboard instrument (organ) and percussion instrument ad lib.
Texts: André Duplain
Duration: 14' 00"
Rudolf JaggiPhasen (1974-1975)
Instrumentation: for medium voice, flute and guitar
Texts: Giuseppe Ungaretti (Ingeborg Bachmann)
1. Ich bin eine Kreatur
2. Freude der Schiffbrüche
3. Morgen
4. Phase I
5. Phase II
6. Finale
Duration: 15' 00"
Alfred KnüselWort und Widerhall (1997)
Cycle of four songsInstrumentation: for singing, piano and percussion instrument ad lib.
Texts: Heinz Zimmermann
Duration: 13' 00"
Andreas Stahl... weg zum ziel (2017)
ausnotiertes ImprovisationskonzeptInstrumentation: 4 Stimmen, 2 Klarinetten, 2 Saxophone
Duration: 8' 00"
Jacques DemierreDésir d'azur: musique de danse (1988)
Instrumentation: for eight voices and two pianos
Texts: Roberto Juarroz
The electric pianos remind one of toy pianos that grew too fast. The words are sonorous, the lists long and dense.
Duration: 42' 00"
Balz TrümpyZwei Lieder (Heine) (1990)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and piano
Texts: Heinrich Heine
Based on poems by Heinrich Heine.
Duration: 4' 00"
Bernhard SieberVerkündigung (1981-2016)
Einsätzige Kantate über Lukas 1, 26 - 55Instrumentation: S,A,T,B, - Soli, Gemischter Chor (S,A,T,B), Streichorchester (Violine 1 + 2, Viola, Violoncello, Kontrabass, Orgel (mit Pedal!)
Duration: 18' 42"
Klavierauszug CHF 24.00; Parts CHF 55.00
Alfred KnüselFrühling gestehen (1997)
Instrumentation: for singing voice, strings (, flute and percussion
Duration: 23' 00"
Nicolas BolensOu le mystère précipité hurlé (2007) Instrumentation: for 8 solo voices (2S2A2T2B)
After "Un coup de Dés…" by Stéphane Mallarmé.
Duration: 18' 00"
Rudolf JaggiRoserich (1977)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and guitar
Texts: Emanuel Geibel
1. Beim letzten Erntefeste
2. Intermezzo 1
3. Lass mir die Knaben vom Feste
4. Intermezzo 2
5. ...und horch!
Duration: 15' 00"
Felix Baumann2 Lieder (2015)
Instrumentation: Für mittlere Singstimme und Klavier
Alfred KnüselFluchtweg ist nicht zu erkennen (1999)
Lieder cycleInstrumentation: for singing, piano and percussion ad libitum
Texts: Michèle M. Salmony
A cycle in five parts based on text fragments by Michèle M. Salmony.
Duration: 16' 00"
Ruedi DebrunnerMusaka Songs (2003)
Praphrase of Cameroonian hymnsInstrumentation: for precentor (m/f), monophonic choir, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin, violoncello and double-bass
Duration: 18' 00"
(Parts: CHF 50.-)
De-Qing WenA New legend of Yang Zongbao and Mu Guiying (2008)
Instrumentation: for voice and recorder
The hero Yang Zhongbao and his wife Mu Guiying were two of the impressive warriors from the famous historical story in China, Heroic Legend of the Yang's Family, which was set in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). Although as time goes, the social value has been changed and people today easily find incredible and ridiculous what was cherished in the time of Yang Zhongbao and Mu Guiying, they still love the story. That is where the charm of traditional culture lies.
This piece makes the two ancient characters live in today's setting by traveling through time and do what they did in their own time, which is full of humor and wit. Besides, it combines factors of contemporary music with the Chinese traditional form of talking and singing, the arrangement of the tenor and soprano part sung by one male and the artistic appeal of Xi'an dialect and Qin Opera of China.
Duration: 12' 00"
Pierre ThomaVocando (1997)
Instrumentation: for single voice in any register
Vocally and gesture-wise free interpretation of a text in truncated language by Pierre Thoma.
Duration: 10' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtDe l'Australopithèque à l'homme (1986)
Instrumentation: for voice and piano
Texts: Gudrun Ryhming
This piece was created during an experimental cooperation with the singer Gudrun Ryhming. The almost cabaret like piece spans and presents in text, the stages of modern mans development from Australopithecus.
Duration: 13' 00"
Hans-Jürg MeierArianna: scena sesta - coro (2007)
Instrumentation: for solo voice and a wind instrument
Texts: Ottavio Rinuccini
Music in four parts, presented between the four sections of the madrigal version of "Lamento d'Arianna" in five voices (1610) by Claudio Monteverdi.
Duration: 3' 00"
Jacques DemierreNous ici (1993)
Instrumentation: for voice, flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano
Texts: Jacques Roman
Three main 'characters'. A text by Jacques Roman based on African rhythm organisation and inspired by the solo fragments of jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker.
Duration: 13' 00"
Pierre ThomaVocando II (1999)
Instrumentation: for three voices in any register
Vocally and gesture-wise free interpretation of a text in truncated language by Pierre Thoma.
Duration: 3' 30"
Martin WendelAnmerkungen, op. 52 (1995)
Instrumentation: for high singing voice, clarinet and piano
Texts: Chinesisch
I tried to avoid all allusions to ancient Chinese exotics in the realisation of the aphoristic and directness of the still up-to-date texts. All fourteen pieces are connected in a meaningful compositional manner.
Duration: 21' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meierles mots jaunes (plötzlich diese Ganzheit) (2008)
Instrumentation: for voice (mezzo-soprano) and flute
Text by Marianne Schuppe (staging: Hans-Jürg Meier)
"Between two languages lies a room. Between language and music lies a room. And between reading, resp. listening and writing lies time. Translating is the setting of one's own words resp. signs in relation." (Marianne Schuppe)
Duration: 9' 00"
Balz TrümpyDrei Haikus (2006)
For the sixtieth birthday of Robert KahntInstrumentation: for voice and piano
Texts: Martine Lovis
Duration: 2' 00"
Francisco Obieta7 Minimal Lieder (1994)
über Gedichte von C. MorgensternInstrumentation: für Gesang, Violine, Cembalo u. Kontrabass
Texts: Christian Morgenster
Duration: 17' 00"
Alfred KnüselMarianische Antiphon 2007 (2007)
A-cappella choir pieceInstrumentation: for 9 voices
Text from "Salve Regina".
Duration: 8' 50"
Rudolf JaggiO Westen, öffne mir deine Arme (1991)
Instrumentation: for high voice, flute and guitar
Texts: Altägyptische Texte
1. Lobpreis sei dir, Re
2. O Re, komm zu mir
3. Betrachtet mich doch
Duration: 16' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meiersigne d'amante (2014)
Instrumentation: für Stimme (Mezzossopran) und Renaissance-Laute
Texts: Louïze Labé
Drei Sonette von Louïze Labé sind wie als Strophen über denselben Musiktext vertont. Ein Vorspiel und zwei Zwischenspiele wirken wie ruhige, distanzierte Kommata.
Duration: 11' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDrei Morgenstern-Lieder (1997)
Instrumentation: for singing voice and piano
Texts: Christian Morgenstern
1. Die Stadt aus Elfenbein
2. Es ist Nacht
3. Früh-Herbst
Duration: 8' 30"
Bernhard SieberEppich (Gesang und Klavier) (2018)
Instrumentation: Gesang (b - f''), Klavier
Texts: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Duration: 1' 47"
Bernhard SieberIm Schnee (2018)
Instrumentation: Gesang (Sopran h - h''), Klavier
Texts: Gottfried Keller
Duration: 2' 02"
Bernhard SieberEppich (Gesang und Orgel) (2018)
Instrumentation: Bariton (B - f') und Orgel (mit Pedal)
Texts: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Duration: 1' 47"
Balz TrümpyNachtgedanken (2011)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and piano
Texts: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A song cycle in the classical sense.
Duration: 27' 00"
Bernhard SieberDer Taugenichts (2019)
Instrumentation: Gesang (Knaben-Sopran ad lib. d' - f''), Bariton (b - f'), Klavier
Texts: Gottfried Keller
Duration: 5' 15"
René WohlhauserGantenbein (Oper), Klavierauszug (2004) Ergon 30, Nr. 2, Musikwerknummer 2057, Libretto vom Komponisten zusammengestelltInstrumentation: Oper: Sopran, Mezzosopran, Tenor, Bariton, 1-1-2-1, 1-1-2-1, 1, 6-4-4-4-2 Klavierauszug: Sopran, Mezzosopran, Tenor, Bariton und 1-5 Klaviere
Texts: Max Frisch
Die am Stadttheater Luzern in Zusammenarbeit mit den Weltmusiktagen 2004 uraufgeführte Oper nach dem gleichnamigen Buch von Max Frisch, behandelt die Beziehung zwischen ihm und Ingeborg Bachmann. Die Problematisierung (und Formbarkeit) der Identitätsbildung wird durch algorithmische Verfahren gespiegelt, die aber kritisch hinterfragt und subjektiv gebrochen werden.
Duration: 60' 00"
Ernst PfiffnerMonologe über Frieden und Krieg (1983) Instrumentation: for voice and string quartet
Texts: Dschang Dji, Andreas Gryphius, Hugo Ball, Li-Tai-Pe
Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 12' 00"
Francisco ObietaKremser Requiem (2010)
OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: ca. 75 min
Francisco ObietaMissa Urbana XXI (2012)
MesseInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: 57' 38"
Francisco ObietaVerbrennt das Feuer (2014)
Jan Hus OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Texts: Ivo Ledergerber
Duration: 90' 00"
Thüring BrämLe Piccole Stagioni (1997)
Instrumentation: for piano trio, flute and singing voice
Texts: Anna Maria Bacher
Four seasons poems by the poet Anna Maria Bacher from Pomatt in the Italian version; short, transparent pieces.
Duration: 7' 00"
Balz TrümpyWeit weg (2014)
Instrumentation: for solo voice
After texts by Lisa Elsässer and after questions from newspapers (selected by Claudia Vonmoos).
A monologue that also includes theatrical aspects.
Duration: 15' 00"
Francisco ObietaSteiner Requiem (2016)
OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: 73' 08"
Francisco ObietaLola, Trixi und die Sterne (2018)
KinderoperSt. Gallen 6/5/2018 Complete
Ernst PfiffnerBiblische Szene (1989-1991)
Instrumentation: for high voice and orchestra (2.2(2obda).2.2/
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
This piece is based on the story of the healing of the boy in Mark's gospel. The voice assumes the roles of Jesus, the Father and a chronicler, by singing, whispering, speaking, and humming. Four timpani and nine other percussion instruments (two players) enlarge the classical strings and wind orchestra. In the final section there is a Gregorian credo motive and Beethoven's credo motive from the 'Missa Solemnis'.
Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 20' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerBitte, Lob und Dank (1973)
Instrumentation: for cantor, three sopranos, mixed choir, congregation, three orators, three flutes, violoncello, double-bass and bongos
Duration: 12' 00"
Rudolf JaggiFive Ayres (2006)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and guitar
After anonymous texts from the 15th and 16th centuries.
I. Come let us all amaying go
II. Weep, o mine eyes
III. If it be love to sit and mourn
IV. O yes! Has any found a lad?
V. Though Philomel
Duration: 9' 00"
René WohlhauserErgon 38Instrumentation: for voice(s) and piano
Based on an onomatopoeic text by the composer.
A dialogue between contrasting fragments as a sounding monograph for the inauguration of Jean Tinguely's life tables in Basel, 22 May, 2008.
Duration: 10' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDie grosse Gondel (2009)
15 songsInstrumentation: for high voice and piano
Duration: 24' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDie zwei Wurzeln (2013)
SongInstrumentation: for high voice and piano
Texts: Christian Morgenstern
Duration: 1' 20"
Thüring BrämIch will lauschen... (2012-2013)
Instrumentation: for voice, violin and viola
René WohlhauserNein, ich akzeptier' es nicht (2022)
Ergon 89, Musikwerknummer 2165, auf ein Gedicht des KomponistenInstrumentation: Sprechstimme und Perkussion
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Eine Art Protestsong, der nicht gewillt ist, die aktuellen Zustände auf dieser Welt so
zu akzeptieren, wie sie derzeit sind.
Duration: 5' 00"
Urs Peter SchneiderIch I bis IIII (1960-1999/2000)
Vier Sprechtexte1960-69, 1970-79, 1980-89, 1990-99, rev. 2000
Duration: 3' 00"