Vladislav JarosSeven Preludes for Guitar (1981)
Humorous intermediate/difficult pieces with interesting effects. Relatively comprehensible for both player and listener.
Duration: 16' 00"
Vladislav JarosChinesisches Märchen (1983)
Instrumentation: for flute (or oboe or violin) and guitar
An easily approachable piece in which equal demands are made on both interpreters. It is not a difficult piece to interpret and is well suited to an advanced student.
Duration: 3' 00"
Peter SchärliBallade pour une pierre (1985)
Instrumentation: for voice, trumpet (with mute), piano (or guitar) and double-bass
Texts: Sandy Patton
Duration: 6' 30"
Felix Schüeli7 leichte Miniaturen (1998)
Instrumentation: for two recorders guitar and piano
Composed for a school ensemble with circa 1-2 years of musical education.
Duration: 3' 30"
Paul Clift1950c (2010-2011)
Instrumentation: for restrung classical-guitar
Duration: 7' 30"
Vladislav JarosDas Kastanienmännchen (1984/2006)
A musical fairytaleInstrumentation: for wind quintet, guitar and story-teller (there is also a version for wind quintet and speaker)
Colourful dreamy music, not always easy to perform.
Duration: uncut 35', cut 26'.
Duration: 35' 00"
(Parts: CHF 30.-)
Regina IrmanInstrumentation: for quarter-tone guitar or other instruments with free intonation possibilities
Duration: 2' 00"
Sarah HaessigDon Belianis de Grecia a Don Quijote de la Mancha (2007) Instrumentation: for speaking voice, guitar and double bass
Texts: Miguel Cervantes
Over a sonnet from "Don Quixote".
On youtube:
George BarcosEl Circulo de la Nostalgia (1990)
Instrumentation: for two guitars
La Ciudad sin ti - Recuerdos de la Sierra - Conferencia de los Enamorados.
Duration: 5' 00"
George BarcosCanciones Tropicales (1991)
Instrumentation: for guitar solo
Preludio Azul - Conción Amarga - Bambuco Negro - El Jardín Encantado - La Ciudad de los Milagros.
Duration: 11' 00"
Daniel Ott17 1/2 (1995)
Scenic compositionInstrumentation: for four guitars, two mandolins, dulcimer, viola, 2 double-bass, saxophone, trombone, tuba, accordeon and three percussion instruments
Spatial composition based on the sound memories of the musicians/singers.
Duration: 25' 00"
René WohlhauserParergon 12, Nr. 19, 2. Fassung, Musikwerknummer 2141Instrumentation: Tenor, Sopran, akustische Gitarre, E-Orgel, E-Baß und Schlagzeug
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Duration: 4' 12"
Urban MäderL'absence de vent (1992)
Instrumentation: for orator, soprano, alto, countertenor, flute, guitar and bass clarinet
Texts: Samuel Backett
An audio play after a quote from Samuel Beckett's "Mal vu mal dit" (Badly seen badly said).
Duration: 55' 00"
Vladislav JarosDivertimento (1992)
Instrumentation: for flute, clarinet and guitar
A melodic and lyrical piece with appealing rhythms and harmonies and rewarding solo cadenzas. This piece is demanding for all three instruments.
Duration: 12' 00"
George BarcosSueños y Ensueños (1993)
Instrumentation: for pan flutes and guitar
La Musa Enamorada - El Sueño de la Iguana - El Ángel Desaparecido - Rumbero y Soñador.
Duration: 9' 00"
Dieter AmmannMusica Empirica (1997-1998)
Instrumentation: for soprano saxophone and guitar
Duration: 9' 00"
Josef KostInstrumentation: for violin, guitar, double-bass and strings (
A major, a minor, an augmented and a diminished triad, giving all twelve tones of an octave, are woven together harmonically and melodically (serial). Predominantly modal rhythm, determinate sound room, differentiated dynamic. Three short expressionistic pieces. Difficult.
Duration: 11' 00"
Vladislav JarosLapis Miraculum (1993)
Instrumentation: for English horn (violin, viola, violoncello) and guitar
A relatively easy to play, slow, transparent and colourful piece.
Duration: 6' 00"
Nicolas BolensD'un Rêve II (1997/2009)
Instrumentation: for guitar
Duration: 8' 00"
Victor Alexandru ColteaRinmodezer-freq (2010)
Instrumentation: for solo prepared guitar and live electronics
Duration: 11' 00"
Vladislav JarosMusik für zwei Gitarren (1994)
A quick, lively piece - demanding for both guitarists.
Duration: 5' 00"
Michael SchneiderShark Turtle Ray (1998-1999)
Instrumentation: for oboe, viola and guitar
I was spending a year in Sydney when I recieved an offer by Mid-German Radio (MDR) to write a piece after Paul Klee for the 1999 MDR Summer. Being surrounded by such unique flora and fauna reminded me of the strong affinity to life on and in water expressed in the paintings of Paul Klee, his numerous harbour scenes, and above all his fish pictures. What would Paul Klee have painted on a visit to the 5th Continent? "Shark", "Turtle", "Ray" are three such imaginary images, Australian scenes after Paul Klee and inspired by Klee's own related motives. Each of the three movements begins with a core instrument and a specific musical material. The multiple oboe tones in "Shark", the guitar's natural flageolet tones in "Turtle" and the viola's tight chord glissandi in "Ray" initiates the character and development of each respective movement.
Duration: 7' 00"
Nicolas BolensEn mi Cielo (1998)
Instrumentation: for tenor and guitar
Texts: Pablo Neruda
Duration: 4' 00"
Martin MetzgerHinter em Minschter (2000)
Instrumentation: for male choir and electric guitar
Duration: 8' 00"
George BarcosCuentos Peregrinos (1997)
Instrumentation: for guitar and double-bass
La Ciudad perdida - Burundanga - Raices.
Duration: 10' 00"
Marc-André Rappaz"de Dschember Schamblin" (1997)
Instrumentation: for soprano and guitar
Texts: Denise Mützenberg
A piece based on a cycle of poems in Romansch, taken from the cycle 'Dschember Schamblin' by Denise Mützenberg.
Duration: 10' 00"
René WohlhauserMusica Assoluta e Determinata (1981)
Ergon 8, Nr. 1Instrumentation: Stimme und Kammerensemble (Stimme mit 4 Tempelblocks, Trompete in C mit Claves, Elektrische Gitarre mit Röhrenholztrommel, Große Schlitztrommel mit großer Kuhglocke, Pianoforte mit Woodblock)
Einzelne Tonpunkte verdichten sich, werden zu Figuren erweitert. Analog dazu wird jeder Instrumentalklang durch ein Perkussionsinstrument erweitert, bis ein dichtes Gewebe erregt oszilliert und sich dann allmählich beruhigt.
Duration: 3' 00"
George BarcosPoemas de Esperanza (1998-1999)
Instrumentation: for female choir, two guitars and double-bass
Texts: Juana de Ibarbourou, Gabriela Mistral, Delmira Agustini
La nueva esperanza - Hímno al árbol - Explosión.
Duration: 12' 30"
Valentin MartiPassages (2000)
Instrumentation: for viola, piccolo/bass flute, baritone saxophone, guitar and percussion
'Passages' is determined by a hugely formal changing process, beginning with block-like, vertical melodies of the solo viola, leading to a linear, horizontal notation with five equal instrumental parts. Quarter tonal.
First performed: 28..8.00 in St.Moritz by the Ensemble Cattrall under the direction of Marc Kissoczy.
Duration: 12' 30"
Rajiv SatapatiGrido d'Amore (2012)
Instrumentation: 1 Kl, 1 Vln, 1 Vlc, 1 Git, 1 Akk
Duration: 1' 00"
René WohlhauserLargo elettrificato (1981)
Ergon 8, Nr. 2Instrumentation: for chamber ensemble with electronic sound alteration (voice, trumpet in C, electric guitar, percussion, piano, vocoder, harmonizer, ringmodulator, continuous electronic tape-loop and playback)
Elektronische Klangumwandlungen traditioneller Instrumentalklänge evozieren ein "ästhetisches Fluktuieren".
Elektronik: Vocoder, Harmonizer, Ringmodulator, Tonbandschlaufe, Zuspielband
Duration: 1 - 3 min
Michael SchneiderIm innersten Winter (requiem) (1999)
Instrumentation: for orator, bass clarinet and guitar
Texts: Andreas Neeser
Composed during the 'Last Minute. Eine Ausstellung zu Sterben und Tod' exhibition at the Stapferhause in Lenzburg, this piece touches on eight poems by Andreas Neeser (*1964), an author from Aarau. Published by pendo-Verlag, his 'Triebholz' collection of poems deals with the death of his brother. The texts reflect personal experiences with respect to coping with dying, death and transiency. Formally, this piece is based on the multi-part structure of the traditional Requiem text, which leads to a sort of mini-cycle consisting of short, merging single movements, where each section makes musical reference to the poems' structures, characteristics and emotional levels.
Duration: 14' 00"
Vladislav JarosHerbstsonate (1996)
Instrumentation: for guitar
Four movements in a post-modern manner, transparent like a sunny September day, bursting with subtle melancholy, an intermediate tonal piece written in conventional notation.
Duration: 15' 00"
Daniel WeissbergOh mi! (1998)
Instrumentation: for flute, oboe and guitar
Jocular virtuoso piece.
Duration: 10' 00"
Claude FerrierCondensations (1998)
Instrumentation: for sextet (
Duration: 9' 00"
George BarcosHumores (2001-2002)
Instrumentation: for four guitars
Caprichoso - Indeciso - Enamorado.
Duration: 12' 00"
René WohlhauserParergon 12, Nr. 31, 2. Fassung, Musikwerknummer 2004Instrumentation: Tenor, Backvocal-Sopran, akust. Gitarre, Vibraphon (Keyboard), E-Baß und Schlagzeug
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Duration: 6' 40"
Vladislav JarosPräludium und Fuge (1999)
Instrumentation: for guitar
A demanding, deeply heartfelt piece of music with numerous harmonic and musical surprises, a real challenge for any guitarist.
Duration: 12' 00"
Valentin MartiNotizen und Gravur (2003)
Instrumentation: for mandolin, guitar and harp
Duration: 10' 00"
Victor Alexandru ColteaSketches of an electric time travel – suite (2012)
Instrumentation: for electric guitar
Duration: 30' 00"
Martin SchlumpfSommerbogen (1992)
Instrumentation: for guitar quartet
A time/content scheme based on a woodcarving by A. Athanassoglou: A basic tonal motif forms a doubled arch-form development, with the influence of minimal music in the first part, and a more harmonic and dramatic treatment of sound in the second.
Duration: 15' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meiersolo di due (1999)
Instrumentation: for guitar
Over a set period of time the composer Dodo Schielein sent the end part of a composition to Hans-Jürg Meier who, in turn, continued the composition sending the end of his part back to Dodo Schielein, this continued until a composition in twelve parts resulted. Smooth transitions and resumptions keep the piece together.
Duration: 12' 00"
Andreas Stahlgebunden. an anima und dich (2000-2001)
Instrumentation: for guitar quartet
Not only the musicians are connected in a very tight, quasi-breathless time structure and intimately interwoven quartet movement, but also the musical form, which, with its ever-changing background also looses its unique identity.
For the 'Aleph Guitar Quartet'.
Duration: 13' 00"
Vladislav JarosLiederzyklus nach Gedichten von Joachim Ringelnatz (2002)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano and guitar
Texts: Joachim Ringelnatz
Comical songs with surprising harmony and delightful rhythm. This cycle is composed partly in graphic notation and partly in traditional notation. Some special effects are required by the voices and the guitar accompaniment. The harmony of the songs wanders between tonality, polytonality and atonality. Relatively easy to understand and easy to perform post modern bawdy songs.
Duration: 25' 00"
Alfred FelderSong of the Sky (1996)
Instrumentation: for violin, guitar and double-bass
After searching for ones own identity one finds ones own songs.
Duration: 23' 00"-25' 00"
Vladislav JarosVariationen über "Vreneli ab em Guggisberg" (2002)
Instrumentation: for guitar
A conventionally notated, easy to understand and very effective piece for guitar solo. A theme with eight variations using expanded tonality, colourful and typical guitarish nuances - an absolute delicacy for any guitarist. Intermediate to difficult.
Duration: 15' 00"
Vladislav JarosDeux Nocturnes (2002)
Instrumentation: for guitar
This poetic piece in a post modern style has echoes of impressionism and jazz, dreamy slow rubarto passages contrast with rhythmical ones, a conventionally notated piece for intermediate/advanced players.
Duration: 15' 00"
René WohlhauserRiffs für Gitarre Nrn. 1-13 / Riffs for Guitar Nos. 1-13 (1982/2022) Parergon 32, Nrn. 1-13, Musikwerknummern 511-523Instrumentation: Gitarre
Musikalische Ideen, die in kurzen, prägnanten Stücken auf den Punkt gebracht werden. (Other styles.)
Duration: 5' 10"
Rudolf JaggiPhasen (1974-1975)
Instrumentation: for medium voice, flute and guitar
Texts: Giuseppe Ungaretti (Ingeborg Bachmann)
1. Ich bin eine Kreatur
2. Freude der Schiffbrüche
3. Morgen
4. Phase I
5. Phase II
6. Finale
Duration: 15' 00"
Urban Mädermit Mass - Zählzeit - Schlagsaiten (2001)
Three piecesInstrumentation: for guitar duo
For guitar, an unconventional yet guitar-like piece sounding meticulously fine and transparent. Intermediate level of difficulty.
Duration: 12' 00"
Rudolf JaggiRoserich (1977)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and guitar
Texts: Emanuel Geibel
1. Beim letzten Erntefeste
2. Intermezzo 1
3. Lass mir die Knaben vom Feste
4. Intermezzo 2
5. ...und horch!
Duration: 15' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDrei Miniaturen (1978)
Instrumentation: for soprano and guitar
Texts: Tan Tsien
1. Elegy
2. Invention
3. Pastoral
Duration: 7' 00"
Rico Gublernel blu (2006)
13 marches for decimated plucked-instrument orchestraInstrumentation: for mandolin, guitar and harp
Duration: 7' 00"
Vladislav JarosCinq nocturnes (2007)
Instrumentation: for guitar
Five charming, atmospherically dense and playful pieces for guitar. The techniques and tone possibilities of the guitar are presented here in an exemplary manner.
Duration: 20' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meiervolgere lo sguardo al cielo (2005)
Instrumentation: for oboe, trumpet in B (ossia soprano saxophone or clarinet in B), guitar
"Rather a cloud of birds in the sky than one in the hand." (Eduardo Chillida)
Duration: 11' 30"
Vladislav JarosCinq nocturnes (Volume II) (2009)
Instrumentation: for guitar
A continuation of the first cycle. An intermediately difficult solo piece full of poetry and colours for guitar. Extended tonality.
Duration: 20' 00"
Martin WendelDuo für Violine und Gitarre in drei Sätzen, op. 44 (1984)
The sound character of this piece is balanced and aligned with the gentle tone of the guitar.
Duration: 7' 00"
Vladislav JarosDue minuti capricciosi (2009)
Instrumentation: for saxophone, bassoon, violin, violoncello, guitar, piano and percussion
A very turbulent piece. Hasty, breathless tempo.
Duration: 2' 00"
Rudolf JaggiOrdre pour guitare (1983)
Prélude - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Gavotte I / II - Gigue.
Duration: 23' 00"
Max E. KellerKonfigurationen III - January 1991 (1991)
Instrumentation: for oboe (or flute), bassoon, guitar and piano
The musicians also perform scenic actions and speak a couple of sentences.
Duration: 8' 00"
Vladislav JarosNocturne (2010)
Instrumentation: for guitar and strings
Duration: 6' 00"
Balz TrümpyInstrumentation: for guitar solo
Duration: 17' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meierherbst (abtasten) (2010-2011)
Instrumentation: for 4 alto recorders, guitar, tromba marina, percussion
A tentative musical exploration of the 1907 painting "Herbst (Schule)" by Marianne Werefkin.
Duration: 7' 00"
Jean-Jacques DünkiEiland Stadt Ebene (1995)
Instrumentation: for flute and guitar
Duration: 11' 00"
Vladislav JarosLullaby II (2011)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, guitar and orchestra (or just guitar accompaniment)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
The author wrote an English version of the well-known Catalan folksong 'El noy de la mara', set it for orchestra and added lyrical instrumental interludes.
Duration: 3' 00"
Vladislav JarosGolden Gate Bridge in the Fog (2011)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, guitar and orchestra (or just piano or guitar)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
An atmospheric orchestral song created in San Fransisco; one is able to hear in the music this beautiful city and the fog, which intermittently ascends from the sea to envelop this famous bridge. Tonal, English text written by the composer.
Duration: 3' 00"
Vladislav JarosNova slova (2011)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, guitar and strings (or just piano or guitar accompaniment))
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
A piece that puts new life into the traditional romantic song. Tonal, interesting harmonics. The song is availabe in three languages.
Duration: 4' 00"
Max E. KellerWalk-Music (1994)
Instrumentation: for flute, violin, guitar and percussion
Each of the musicians follows his/her own course, whereby each independently repeats and varies a single sequence: Isolation, without contact, narcissism - sign of the times...
Duration: 11' 00"-15' 00"
Vladislav JarosPepita (2011)
Instrumentation: for baritone, mezzo-soprano, 2 trumpets, accordion, guitar, e-bass, percussion and strings
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
A cheerful song with a catchy, typically Mexican rumba rhythm for a small orchestra.
A reminder of Mexico.
Duration: 3' 00"
Vladislav JarosListen to the Rain (2011)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano and piano (or guitar)
A cheerful love song that is to be sung in the rain and the raindrops are to accompany the piano. Tonal.
Duration: 3' 00"
Rudolf JaggiO Westen, öffne mir deine Arme (1991)
Instrumentation: for high voice, flute and guitar
Texts: Altägyptische Texte
1. Lobpreis sei dir, Re
2. O Re, komm zu mir
3. Betrachtet mich doch
Duration: 16' 00"
Vladislav JarosVier Stücke (2012)
Instrumentation: for guitar orchestra
4 simple tonal pieces in 4 different styles. Perfectly suitable for a student guitar orchestra.
Duration: 13' 00"
Max E. Kellerles pompiers (souvenir de Berlin) (1996)
Instrumentation: for four trombones, piano, electric guitar and elextronic amplification
Contains a large improvised portion - works humorously with the fire brigade-fourth. Simple pitch shifting and echoplex (quasi belt sander with a duration of 20 seconds).
Duration: 6' 00"
Vladislav JarosLa Mediterranée (2012)
Instrumentation: for clarinet, guitar and orchestra (also clarinet and guitar or piano)
The turbulent first part transforms into a melodious middle part prior to a varied recapitulation. An effective, temperamental piece of music with a Spanish soul.
Duration: 4' 30"
Max E. KellerSolitario (1996)
Instrumentation: for flute, guitar and percussion
Each instrument builds its own world using eight elementary figures; each goes its own way yet parallels are shown to exist. Relationships form and the dialectic of the controlled 'own way' and random combination begin to play.
Duration: 14' 00"
Vladislav JarosAuf Flügeln des Gesanges (2012)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, guitar, harp and orchestra
Texts: Heinrich Heine
The author added several short pieces to this famous song by Felix Mendelsohn and set it for chamber orchestra. The song shines with previously unknown colour and beauty.
Duration: 2' 30"
Balz TrümpyVier Duette (2009)
Instrumentation: for marimbaphone and guitar
Each of the four duets originates in a basic constellation of musical dialogue, which develops in the interplay between the two instruments. The marimba-guitar combination offers a myriad of colour and expressive shades, which are not possible with each instrument alone.
Vier Duette is dedicated to the duo Christina Schorn and Ivan Mancinelli.
Duration: 16' 00"
Vladislav JarosUkolebavka (2012)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, piano, guitar and strings (or mezzo-soprano and piano / guitar or just guitars)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
A song of the heart. Tonal. Czech text is written by the composer. There also exists a version with English text under the title 'Lullaby'.
Duration: 3' 00"
Eric Gaudibert"Wolkenblau" (1999-2000)
Instrumentation: for alto flute and guitar
The text, which evokes the four seasons, dates back to the 17th century. The title of the work, as well as the titles for each piece, are taken from the poem: Es bläst der sanffte West – Ihr Hertz ist von safran – Der Erden Kelterblut – Die Gäste gehen fort.
In this version for two performers, without voice, the melody is present in the flute part.
Duration: 10' 00"
Vladislav JarosHome Is the Sailor (2012)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, baritone, guitar, piano and orchestra (also only piano accompaniment)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
A yearning shanty. Tonal.
Duration: 4' 00"
Max E. KellerInstrumentation: for soprano, flute and guitar
Texts: Max E. Keller, E. Galeano
The setting to music of four of my own texts: Globalisation as worldwide exploitation of people and nature; freedon as unlimited and uninhibited profit maximisation; Education as manipulative conformation. The 5th text comes from Eduardo Galeano from Uruguay: repress how the rich countries accumulate their riches.
Duration: 14' 00"
Eric Gaudibert"Wolkenblau" (1999-2000)
Instrumentation: for soprano, alto flute and guitar
Texts: Georg-Philipp Harsdörffer
The text, which evokes the four seasons, dates back to the 17th century. The title of the work, as well as the titles for each piece, are taken from the poem: Es bläst der sanffte West – Ihr Hertz ist von safran – Der Erden Kelterblut – Die Gäste gehen fort.
Duration: 11' 30"
Vladislav JarosLascia ch'io pianga (2012)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, guitar and orchestra
This famous aria from Georg Friedrich Händel sounds in fresh colours in this instrumentation by Jaros. The composer also also composed a catchy interlude.
Duration: 5' 00"
Rudolf Jaggi3 Romances (1997)
Instrumentation: for three guitars
Duration: 11' 00"
Vladislav Jaros"...emu Emme" (2013/2014)
Instrumentation: Version for 3 guitars and piano
An amusing piece for acoustic guitar. The three solo guitars have the difficult part. Also suitable for amateur guitarists. Tonal throughout apart from several short atonal insets.
Duration: 7' 00"
Max E. KellerSkizzen (1999)
Instrumentation: for flute and guitar
Duration: 9' 00"
Vladislav JarosLax-Ländler (2014)
Instrumentation: for two clarinets and guitar
A merry piece, tonal, suitable for teaching purposes.
Duration: 1' 30"
Vladislav JarosHOME (2014)
Instrumentation: für Mezzosopran, akustische Gitarre, Streicher (oder Mezz, Klav oder Mezz, Fl, Klav)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
Duration: 4' 00"
Vladislav JarosChanson de la mer melancoliqu (2015)
Instrumentation: für Violine (oder Klarinette oder Flöte), Gitarre und Streicher (oder: Violine (oder Klarinette oder Flöte), Gitarre)
Texts: Vladislav Jaros
Leicht erweiterte Tonalität, langsame liedhafte Melodie, reizvolle Harmonien.
Duration: 4' 00"
Vladislav JarosClatemlos (2015)
Instrumentation: für 2 Gitarren
Eine turbulente, atemlos dahin rasende Musik mit einem langsamen, lyrischen Mittelteil. Sehr stark erweiterte Tonalität.
Duration: 5' 00"
Eric Gaudibert"Là" (2006)
Instrumentation: for guitar
An acrobatic piece of 15 chords to be played on the empty chords which change their scordatura every 4 seconds until every chord is tuned to the note a.
Duration: 1' 00"
René Wohlhausermikka resna (2006)
Ergon 34Instrumentation: for tenor and guitar
The self-written onomatopoeic texts are semantically charged by the exaggerated gesture of the music and become thereby a farce.
Duration: 5' 00"
Vladislav JarosDanse au Clair de la Lune (2019)
Instrumentation: for Clarinett and Guitar
Ein turbulentes, spanisch anmutendes, postmodernes Stück.
Duration: 5' 15"
Vladislav JarosNocturne (für Gitarre solo) (2019)
Instrumentation: for Guitar solo
Ein nachdenkliches postmodernes Stück mit eingehender Melodie und bestechenden Harmonien.
Duration: 3' 00"
Vladislav JarosLa vie de César Ritz (2022)
Instrumentation: for clarinet and guitar
Duration: 21' 00"
Rudolf JaggiFive Ayres (2006)
Instrumentation: for medium voice and guitar
After anonymous texts from the 15th and 16th centuries.
I. Come let us all amaying go
II. Weep, o mine eyes
III. If it be love to sit and mourn
IV. O yes! Has any found a lad?
V. Though Philomel
Duration: 9' 00"
Rudolf JaggiUne soirée en provence (2007)
Instrumentation: for guitar
Duration: 2' 00"
Max E. KellerWie Kraut und Rüben (2008)
After the picture bearing the same title by Paul KleeInstrumentation: for oboe, bassoon, guitar and viola
In the painting "Wie Kraut und Rüben" by Paul Klee transparent white dots are spread over a red background in irregular rows and create thereby a subtle pulsation within a regular grid. By painting over the dots with the brush, these dots turn into lines, spots and signs. This technique, which Klee called "pointillate", has been transposed to dots of sound, arranged in rows, superimposed in irregular, free rhythms by the four instruments.
Duration: 6' 30"
Max E. KellerDialoges (2008)
Instrumentation: for guitar and live electronics
Both partners are handled equally. The electronics do not only remain passive but also take the initiative. Sometimes the guitar remains on a percussive sample and the electronics answer with increasingly hectic movements, at other times both partners move with varying pulse, as though on two levels, at other times still the guitar gives the impulse, occasionally there is an intensive improvised interaction with rapid and spontaneous role changes.
Duration: 7' 00"-8' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDie grosse Gondel (2009)
15 songsInstrumentation: for high voice and piano
Duration: 24' 00"
Rudolf JaggiSexaginta (2013)
Solo pieceInstrumentation: for guitar
Duration: 2' 40"
Max E. KellerLes Fleurs du Mal (2012)
Four poems by Charles BaudelaireInstrumentation: for soprano and guitar
Texts: Charles Baudelaire
Baudelaire's worldview is characterised by ambivalence: light is at the same time dark; flowers are 'the evil'. On the one hand is the search for beauty, on the other is the experience of spleen, the never-ending ennui. Transposed into music, the deep, bell-like tones of the guitar are broken by hard, dissonant accents - or dissonant chords slide into consonants and vice versa. The singing voice is characterised by a model that, following a rapid ascent, moves slowly downwards, often quasi-disintegrates or ossifies in ennui.
Duration: 14' 00"
Max E. KellerDer Rutengänger (2012)
Instrumentation: for oboe, bassoon, guitar and viola
Duration: 6' 00"
René WohlhauserRausgeworfen, irgendwo (Wie lange noch?) (2019) Parergon 12, Nr. 38, Musikwerknummer 1880Instrumentation: Tenor, akustische Gitarre, el. Clavichord, E-Baß und Schlagzeug
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Duration: 4' 53"
Balz TrümpyTiefer Winter (2022)
Instrumentation: Violine, Gitarre
Vier Stücke als Kommentare zu Gedichten von Robert Walser
Duration: 9' 00"