Choir / Vocal ensemble
Alfred KnüselMesse (1976)
Instrumentation: for vocal quartet, orator, mixed choir, violin and organ
Duration: 18' 00"
Louisa Lasdun"Jabberwocky" (1978)
Instrumentation: for orator (most suitable would be a voice from the media known by children), piccolo, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, amplified harpsichord (or synthesizer), piano, four percussion, mixed choir ( also possible
Texts: Lewis Carroll
Entertainment for anybody between the ages of four and ninety-nine. Suitable for a childrens programme. The text is from 'Alice through the looking glass' by Lewis Carroll, also available in French and German.
The original is in English gibberish but is easily transferable to German or French gibberish.
Duration: 10' 00"
Raphael StaubliKlage (1983-1984)
Instrumentation: for choir
Texts: Georg Trakl
Text: Georg Trakl.
Felix BaumannVier Worte (1991)
Instrumentation: for choir and organ
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
For a committed amateur choir. A piece of music in four movements for two female voices, one male voice and an organ. Based on biblical texts.
Duration: 19' 00"
Urban MäderDie Morgenröte (1987-1991)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB) wind music (clarinet, cornet, bugle, horn, trombone, tuba) and electronic tape
Texts: Volkslied
Satirical adaptation of the Swiss National Anthem in a collage like combination with other existing folk songs.
The wind passage (score flexible) requires a professional player. The chorus passage can be performed by a good amateur choir.
Duration: 15' 00"
Felix FalknerMissa brevis (1993)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB)
Duration: 12' 00"
Heidi Baader-NobsLamento (1984)
Instrumentation: for sixteen voices a-cappella
Duration: 7' 00"-8' 00"
Raphael StaubliTraumwärts (1984)
Instrumentation: for choir
Texts: Daniel Wirz
Text: Daniel Wirz.
Alfred KnüselCanon mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus) (1987)
Instrumentation: two - four- part choir piece
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Choral pieces with themes of the Ordinarium in canon form as variations of the Alleluja from the fourteenth Sunday after pentecost.
Duration: 12' 00"
Eliane Frances GeorgeInstrumentation: for choir, soprano, alto and chamber ensemble (fl(picc)
Texts: Lord Byron
'Darkness' is based on a poem by Lord Byron.
Duration: 11' 00"
Maria A. NiederbergerD Vogelschiichi (1989)
Song cycleInstrumentation: for youth choir (SATBar) and soli (from the choir)
Texts: Felix Stöckli
Lyrics in the local dialect of Nidwald by Felix Stöckli.1. Nid uiswiiche, 2. Zangg vo de junge Chräje, 3. Oh die Jährli, 4. Zangg ve de-n-alte Chräje, 5. Stirm hend pfuided, 6. Ringelreihe vo de junge Chräje, 7. Nid uiswiiche.
Duration: 8' 00"
Kurt Meier"Cherubinischer Wandersmann"-Mappe (1995-2006)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SABar)
Texts: Angelus Silesius
1. Das Licht der Herrlichkeit
2. Der Glaube, senfkornsgross
3. Ein Herze, das bis zum Grund
4. Es kann in Ewigkeit
5. Gottes Saitenspiel (combination of 3. & 4. in another version)
6. Gott ist ein Ackersmann
7. Zwei Augen hat die Seel'
8. Ich selbst bin Ewigkeit
9. Sag' an, o werte Frau
10. Der Glaub' allein
11. Mensch, kommst du ohne Lieb'
Duration: 12' 00"
Louisa LasdunConcerto für Wörter (1996)
Instrumentation: for male and female orator and male and female voices
Texts: Isolde Schaad
Duration: 12' 00"
Stephan LaufferChinesisches Sprichwort (1997)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB), flute, clarinet, three violins viola and violoncello
Texts: Chinesisch
It is better to light a candle than to complain about the darkness.
Duration: 2' 00"
(Parts: CHF 14.00)
Andreas ZurbriggenAm Gletschersee (2008)
Am GletscherseeInstrumentation: für Chor a cappella (Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass)
Duration: 2' 00"
Thomas K. J. MejerMelius est ... (1990)
Instrumentation: for choir (three parts each with SATB)
Texts: Pope Gregory
The choir is split into three groups and positioned in three different spaces, in several sections they are also set at different tempi. The musical vocabulary stretches from monotones to frightening clusters. The starting point of the composition was the 'Schweizer Fichenskandal' - this piece is a sort of parable of this scandal.
Duration: 10' 00"
Kurt MeierAlso hat Gott die Welt geliebt (1995)
Ecclesiastical concertInstrumentation: for tenor, baritone, choir and string orchestra
Duration: 20' 00"
(Parts: CHF 38.00)
Andreas Zurbriggennorth of alexandria (2009) Instrumentation: for vocal quintet SMezAATB or choir a-cappella (SMezTB)
Texts: Rolf Hermann
Description: Dreamy, melancholic piece in c-minor
Level of difficulty: simple-intermediate.
Duration: 2' 30"
Hansruedi WilliseggerMarienmesse (1959)
Instrumentation: for soprano solo and mixed choir
Duration: 10' 00"
Felix BaumannLe guetteur mélancolique (1994)
Instrumentation: for two clarinets, two harps, piano, six percussion, two orators and four choir groups
Texts: Guillaume Apollinaire
For the 'Stadelhofer Death Dance'. A spatially performable score based on texts by Guillaume Apollinaire about the transition from this world to the next. Speechlessness in the face of death, a dance around the grave and the crossing of the threshold.
Duration: 16' 00"
Stephan LaufferEin nachapostolisches Glaubensbekenntnis (1997-1998)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB) and organ
Texts: Kurt Marti
Text: Kurt Marti.
Duration: 6' 00"
(Parts: CHF 12.-)
Felix SchüeliSieben Geheimnisse (2000-2001)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, orator, CD playback and ensemble (piano quartet and one percussionist: marimbaphone, vibraphone, large drum, small drum, flexatone, whip, cipher)
Texts: Alltags- Werbe- Mediensprache
Text: Commentary from the French national football team winning the world championships: "Aux larmes citoyens!", "La victoire est en eux!", "Ils iront tous aux paradis!".
Duration: 8' 00"
parts: CHF 22.-
Rudolf JaggiLaudate Dominum (1961)
Psalm 147,1Instrumentation: dor mixed choir (SATB)
Duration: 3' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meier... wie wenn ein Strahl ohne Ende in ein Wasserbecken fällt (1994)
Instrumentation: for choir without conductor and four mouth organs
Texts: Robert Musil
Chronological organisation functions in place of the conductor via the ears of the participants. The short text fragments by Robert Musil surface again and again.For an amateur choir.
Duration: 18' 00"
Kurt MeierGehoben ist der Stein, die Menschheit auferstanden (1995)
MotetInstrumentation: for three-part female choir and organ or for choir (SATB) with or without organ
Duration: 3' 00"
Louisa Lasdun"In meinen Träumen singen die Seelen meiner Schwestern und Brüder" (1998)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir
Texts: Mariella Mehr
A piece in five movements commissioned by 'ars cantata' as part of a spiritual concert programme. Contains text fragments from a short story by Mariella Mehr. Deals with the topic of the torture of people by people (Holocaust).
Duration: 23' 00"
Thüring BrämSechs Haikai (1969)
Instrumentation: for solo Soprano, chamber choir, string trio and vibraphone
Texts: Japanische Texte
Six short Japanese three-liners. The choral part is on an advanced level but can be performed by good amateurs.
Duration: 8' 00"
Claude FerrierKönig Salomo (1996/1999)
Instrumentation: for brass quintet ( and four-voice mixed choir
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Text taken from the Song of Songs.A version for mixed eight-voice choir is available from the composer.
Duration: 10' 00"
Stephan LaufferPsalm-Motette "Du bist König für alle Zeiten" (2001)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB)
Duration: 3' 00"
Martin ImholzChorstück (1990)
Instrumentation: for double choir (SATB/SATB)
Duration: 4' 00"
Josef KostVesper (1994)
Instrumentation: for amateur choir, youth choir (both also speaking choirs), congregation, mezzo-soprano, baritone, liturgist, harp, organ and two percussion
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
A composition in various scores based on texts from Psalms and paraphrases on the subject of creation. Both the youth and amateur choirs are accompanied by the organ or percussion instruments; the singing congregation is accompanied by harp and drums, and the female and male cantor are accompanied by marimbaphone.Intermediate to difficult level.Liturgical duration: 60'
Duration: 31' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meierlesarten (1994-1995)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
The musical text by Josquin Desprez is read anew (unisonous, spoken, freely contrasted) and is almost original in some parts. Rather more suited to a small choir.
Duration: 14' 00"
Dieter AmmannMorceau en forme d'improvisation (1995)
Instrumentation: for choir (thirty-six voices), four-handed piano and jazz sextet
Duration: var.
Mathias SteinauerBlütenlese, op. 8 (1990-1991)
Eighteen prints, still life and grotesquesInstrumentation: for solo soprano, mixed choir, chamber choir, childrens voice and instrumental ensemble (cl(bcl)/ and a couple of easy to play additional instruments
Texts: Giuseppe Ungaretti, Hans Saner, Rudolf Rechsteiner, E.M. Cioran, R. Heinzelmann, M. Buselmeier, Elias Canetti, Hermann Burger, G
A disruptive, conflicting cycle with a tendency to decline (from blinding light to ferocious darkness). To be played exclusively in a church and utilising the whole room.
Duration: 50' 00"
Kit PowellTide Pools (1990)
Instrumentation: for speaker, choir, SATB and piano
5 short pieces with amusing texts about the New Zealand foreshore.
Duration: 8' 00"
Stephan Laufferen dankopfergsang - dä hundertschti psalm (2003)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB), oboe, viola, xylophone, percussion, organ and double-bass
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Musical setting of the 100th Psalm.
Duration: 7' 00"
Instrumental parts CHF. 16.-;
choir score CHF. 14.-
Maria A. Niederberger"Oh grosses Wunder". Ein Weihnachtslied (erste Fassung) (1995)
A Christmas carol (first version).Instrumentation: for choir and organ, for choir with flute, triangle and string quartet (string ensemble)
Texts: Maria Niederberger
Choir is one - two part, four strophes and in a traditional tonal style. German text by M. Niederberger.
Duration: 4' 00"
(Version with instruments: CHF 14.-)
Michael SchneiderGorillas are sleeping at night (1997)
Instrumentation: for soprano, alto, mixed choir (SATB) and four-handed piano with small percussion
Texts: Wissenschaftssprache
A lyrical and atmospheric piece about the world of mountain gorillas. The choir parts can be performed by a good amateur choir, the small percussion (cymbals, small tam-tam, wood blocks, glass rattle) are to be played by the pianists.
Duration: 10' 00"
Felix FalknerBaciai per haver... (1998) Contrafactum based on a madrigal by Vittoria AleottiInstrumentation: for choir (SATB)
Texts: G.B. Guarini
Text: G.B. Guarini.
Duration: 7' 00"
Stephan Laufferen dankopfergsang - dä hundertschti psalm (2003)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB) and organ
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Musical setting of the 100th Psalm.
Duration: 7' 00"
Parts: CHF 12.00
Luca Martinnihil (2013)
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor a cappella
Texts: Titus Lucretius Carus aus: De rerum natura
"Das Zitat, das dem Chorstück "nihil" zugrunde liegt, stammt aus dem Lehrgedicht "De rerum natura" des römischen Dichters und Philosophen Titus Lucretius Carus, genannt Lukrez. Das Zitat gibt in komprimierter Form Lukrez' Ansicht über die Wesensart der Seele wieder. Seiner Meinung nach sind Geist und Seele sterblich.
Er fordert seine Leser auf, das Leben als Leben zu genießen und die Furcht vor dem Tod als unnötig zu betrachten. Das Sein ist für ihn ein ewiger Kreislauf aus Werden und Vergehen: "Nichts entsteht aus nichts" und "Nichts vergeht zu nichts". Das Chorstück "nihit" knüpft musikalisch daran an.
Uraufführung: 10. Februar 2015, Stefaniensaal Graz; Vokalforum Graz 1. Preis/Kompositionswettbewerb: Styria Cantat
Duration: 4' 00"
Bernhard SieberPsalm 100 (1966)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Duration: 4' 05"
Josef KostSzenenwechsel (1995-1996)
Instrumentation: for orator, vocal ensemble (3S3A3T3B) and chamber orchestra (
Texts: Thea Uhr
Four poems by the poet Thea Uhr from Nidwalden are recited with an accompaniment and commentary by a vocal ensemble and orchestra. The vocal ensemble has a rather difficult task, the orchestra less so.
Duration: 11' 30"
Michael SchneiderLicht bei Vermeer (1997-1998)
Instrumentation: for eight-part choir (SSAATTBB), basset horn and vibraphone
Texts: Vincent van Gogh, Pieter Teding van Berckhout, Dirk Hannema, Catharina Bolnes, Alltagssprache
Very little is known about the life of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675). There exists nothing but a scattering of contemporary articles and absolutely no personal testimonials with regard to the artist, who rarely left his hometown of Delft. Despite this, and a relatively small oeuvre of approximately 35 paintings known to exist, Jan Vermeer exposed new dimensions in the field of light, perspective and colour, and is regarded as one of the most outstanding painters of his era. Using compositional methods, 'Licht bei Vermeer' attempts to transpose the characteristic light and colour concepts of seven Vermeer paintings onto a musical level. While the basset horn and vibraphone generally represent the only painting depicting a view of Vermeer's hometown (View of Delft, ca. 1660/61), the choir tackles six genre scenes situated within this city: Woman with a Lute [ca. 1659-60], Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine [undated] The Girl with the Wine Glass [ca. 1659-60], A Lady Standing at a Virginal [ca. 1672-1673], Woman with a Pearl Necklace [ca. 1664] and Woman Holding a Balance [ca. 1664]. Each of these genre scenes is assigned a text fragment, like tesserae in the mosaic of Vermeer-reception, where the musical reference to the picturesque work of Vermeer is coupled with exemplary statements about his life and impact.
Duration: 12' 00"
Kurt MeierIch bin der gute Hirte (1999)
MotetInstrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 3' 00"
Stephan LaufferTibetische Weisheit (2005)
Instrumentation: for four-part choir and flute
Duration: 3' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerO Heiland reiss die Himmel auf (1960)
Doric choral cantataInstrumentation: for soprano, choir, flute and organ
Duration: 16' 00"
Josef Kost... du wirst schon sehen ... (1996)
Instrumentation: for boy and mixed choir, clarinet, harp and double-bass
Texts: Hans Leopold Davi
To stimulate moments of pause and contemplation, whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of life. Medium level of difficulty - also suitable for an amateur choir.
Duration: 18' 00"
Felix FalknerWandrers Nachlied (1999)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB)
Texts: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Text: J.W. Goethe.
Duration: 4' 00"
Kurt MeierSinget Gott (1999)
MotetInstrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 3' 00"
Stephan LaufferEschenzer-Lied (2006)
Instrumentation: for voice and piano
Composed in the spring of 2006 for the open-air concert 'Dorfmais' in Eschenz.
Duration: 3' 00"
also avaliable for mens choir or mixed choir: CHF 12.-
Luca MartinMissa de homine (2015-2016)
Instrumentation: for choir, soli, and orchestra
Texts: Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck, Sophokles, S. Rotenberg, F. Nietzsche, M. Schmidt-Salomon, W. Shakespeare, Lukrez
"Seit Jahrhunderten hat die abendländische Musik geistliche Messen hervorgebracht - teils basierend auf religiöser Überzeugung, teils die bewährte sakrale Tradition fortschreibend. Einem solchen Werk begegnet die Missa de homine mit einem zeitgenössischen und gegensätzlichen Zugriff: "Nicht Gott, sondern der sterbliche Mensch mit seinen positiven wie negativen Eigenschaften steht im Mittelpunkt."
Der Cantate Basel Kammerchor brachte die Missa de homine im Wechsel mit Joseph Haydns Harmoniemesse zur Uraufführung.
Duration: 38' 00"
Regina IrmanMaskerade (1992)
Eight piecesInstrumentation: for mixed choir
Texts: Anna Achmatowa
Four pairs of short pieces, the playing order of which is left to the performer. Text by Anna Achmatowa, with quotes from Schumann's 'Carnaval' and a madrigal by John Bennet forming the musical foundation. Composed for amateur choir. Commissioned by the choir 'Kultur und Volk'.
Duration: 15' 00"
Nicolas BolensOnce Asleep (1997)
Instrumentation: for choir, soloists (Soprano, Baritone) and orchestra (
Texts: William Shakespeare
Based the sonnet 154 by William Shakespeare.
Duration: 8' 00"
Stefan Werren3 Chöre (1990)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir
Texts: Nelly Sachs
Text: Nelly Sachs.
Duration: 10' 00"
Josef KostEt coeperunt loqui ("... und sie begannen zu reden ...") (1996-1997)
Instrumentation: for large amateur choir, vocal ensemble, (amateur) youth choir, solo (T and speaking role), orchestra ( and organ
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Music for the Pentecostal Liturgy with Latin text. Seven parts distributed throughout the service. The choir and instrumental groups are distributed throughout and incorporate the whole church room. The congregation sings (with accompaniment) four integrated Gregorian chants. Easy to intermediate level of difficulty. Liturgical performance duration: 65'.
Duration: 26' 00"
Dieter AmmannVenite a dire / Raummusik (2000)
2 madrigalsInstrumentation: for 12 solo voices (3S3A3T3B)
The three pieces are formally independent of each other and can be performed seperately.
Duration: 14' 00"
Balz TrümpyInstrumentation: for vocal ensemble
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie, altgriechisch, Laotse, Carlos Castaneda, Meister Eckhart, indianisch
Three cycles, which can be performed each separately or in parts. Based on texts from the Mass, from the hymns of Orpheus, from the Oktoëchos, by Laotse, Castaneda, Meister Eckhart, and by the Sioux Indians. 14 Canons (sFr. 68.00) - 7 Motets (sFr. 42.00) - 7 Hymns (sFr. 44.00). Sponsored by the SME Lucerne.
Duration: 50' 00"
Regina Irman"... wie eine Heuschrecke über die Meere..." (1995-1996)
Instrumentation: for large mixed choir and play-back tapes
Texts: Meret Oppenheim
Based on text, images and an object by Meret Oppenheim.
The very large sounding body is set like a sculpture in the room. Commissioned by the Fifth Swiss Women's Congress in Bern.
Duration: 20' 00"
(Parts available from SME/EMS: CHF 33.-)
Josef Kost... und er verwunderte sich... - Musik zu Visionen von Niklaus von Flüe (1999)
Instrumentation: for soli (ST) choir (large choir SAB, small vocal ensemble) and orchestra (
Texts: Niklaus von Flüe
Easy to easy/intermediate for amateur choir and semi professional vocal ensemble.
Liturgical performance duration 50'- 65'.
Duration: 26' 00"
René WohlhauserLied für dä Tag (1981/2016) Parergon 12, Nr. 33, Musikwerknummer 496Instrumentation: Sopran, Bariton, kleiner Chor (2. Sopranstimme, 2. Baritonstimme, Baß), Mandoline, Klavier, E-Bass und Schlagzeug
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Duration: 9' 00"
Alfred KnüselErinnerung an Bevorstehendes (1993)
Instrumentation: for double choir or between four and seven solo voices and a-cappella tutti choir
Texts: Fritjof Capra
In eleven parts, the form of which involves rather the integration of a heterophonic soundscape more than its actual development.
Duration: 17' 00"
Kurt MeierDu liebe, treue Laute (1999)
MotetInstrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 4' 00"
Felix SchüeliErd und Abgrund (2004)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir and solo violoncello
Over texts from the motet "Jesu, meine Freude" by J.S. Bach.
Duration: 11' 00"
Michael SchneiderI giganti nell'autosilo (1999)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (high register)
Texts: Franz Hohler
I giganti nell'autosilo - Una storia misteriosa - Il maiale di marzapane.
Three absurd stories are narrated in a paradoxical spectrum of sung, spoken and whispered passages. A small percussion played by a choir member is also in the score.
Duration: 11' 00"
Kurt MeierIch bin das Brot des Lebens (2000-2005)
MotetInstrumentation: four to five-part choir
Duration: 7' 00"
Stephan LaufferPhantasie sur "Entre le bœuf" (2019)
Instrumentation: Chor (4stg.), Flöte, 2 Violinen, Cello
inkl. Parts
Martin Metzger"Röseligarte"-Suite (2001)
Instrumentation: for choir (SSAB)
Texts: Volkslied
1. Frisch fröhlich wend wir singen
2. Ds Land us und ds Land i
3. Es isch kei sölige Stamme
4. Mi Schatz we du tuesch z Chilche gah
5. Bin alben e wärti Tächter gsi
6. I ds Elsis abe wott e Floh
7. Ist es denn auch wirklich wahr?
Duration: 14' 00"
Stephan LaufferEin Segenslied (2020)
Instrumentation: Chor 4-stimmig, Klavier
Texts: Hildegard von Bingen
Duration: 3' 45"
Rudolf JaggiO Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf (Liedsatz) (1969)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB)
Duration: 3' 00"
Eric GaudibertEripe me, Domine (Psaume 140) (1978)
Instrumentation: for mixed double choir a-cappella
Of a rather high level of difficulty.
Duration: 7' 00"
Stefan WerrenSonnengesang (1993)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir
Texts: Franz von Assisi
Text: Franz von Assisi.
Duration: 8' 00"
Maria A. NiederbergerSix Choral Songs (1996)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir
Texts: Volkslied
1. Under the Greenwood Tree, 2. Nocturne, 3. A Boy's Head, 4. Advent, 5. The Door, 6. Destiny. Traditional tonal style, relatively free rhythmics.
Duration: 10' 00"
Kurt MeierIch komme zu euch (2001)
MotetInstrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 7' 00"
Felix BaumannSprayerspruch II (2002-2003)
Instrumentation: for five-part choir and three basset horns
Texts: Mahatma Gandhi, Alltags- Werbe- Mediensprache
Texts: Mahatma Gandhi, Alltags- Werbe- Mediensprache
Attempting to make the choral version even more radical by including instruments.
Duration: 15' 00"
Kurt MeierIch warte sehnsuchtsvoll (2002)
MotetInstrumentation: for choir (SATB) and organ
Duration: 6' 00"
George Barcos4 Pièces (2005)
Instrumentation: for mixed voices (SATB), piano, violoncello and bassoon
Texts: Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Alfonsina Storni, Beaucarné, Théophile Gautier
Passarelles dans a nuit - Maisons alignées - Une triste boutique - Les batôns.
Duration: 10' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtPsalm 146 (1970)
Instrumentation: Dreistimmiger Chor SAM, Orgel
Der Chor singt den Text des Psalm 146, die Orgel sekundiert integrierend oder kontrastvoll.
Duration: 4' 00"
Martin SchlumpfWeil der Wald an den Menschen stirbt (1991)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir and stones
Texts: Günter Grass
Written for an amateur choir and based on a poem by Günter Grass; technically quite easy.
Duration: 7' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meiera lo lejos (1999)
Instrumentation: for orator and a-cappella choir
Texts: Pablo Neruda
While the orator disappears onto the level of memory (becomes silent) the choir picks up the words (the words of Pablo Neruda) in song.
Duration: 17' 00"
George BarcosHymne au Soleil (2006)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, piano and percussion (2)
Texts: Edmond Rostand
Duration: 12' 00"
Alex RüediMissa Serena (2008)
Instrumentation: Gemischter Chor und Jazzseptett (trp,asx,tsx,pos,pno,b,dr)
Texts: lateinischer Messetext
Jazz Messe (8 Sätze)
Duration: 45' 00"
Thüring BrämDrei Lieder (1978-1979)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir
Texts: Lajzer Ajchenrand
These three songs, based on a text by Lajzer Ajchenrand, were composed for Eric Ericson and his chamber choir. Because of the high demands in rhythm and intonation, this piece is best suited to a very well schooled, at least semi-professional ensemble (min. sixteen solo singers or a large choir).
Duration: 9' 00"
Balz TrümpyNacht (1988)
CycleInstrumentation: for mixed choir, flute, two clarinets and horn
Texts: Joseph von Eichendorff
Night has probably never been praised higher and in so many facets by anyone other than Joseph von Eichendorff. For myself, his poems are equivalent to the music of Schubert and Schumann. A possible discovery of reality on the edge of the concrete, proceeding to point out another reality.
Duration: 18' 00"
Martin MetzgerViersprachige Schweiz: Idiomatics - möds da dir - modi di dire - Redensarten (2003)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Texts: Alltags- Werbe- Mediensprache
Free secular composition in folksong tone with phrases from the four official languages of Switzerland.HipHop fans from the choir can be cast for the finger clicks and two rap voices in the final part.
Duration: 3' 00"
Kurt MeierGepriesen sei der Herr (2006)
Zacharias song of praise - motetInstrumentation: for four-part choir
Duration: 5' 00"
Thüring BrämChildren Songs of the American Indian (1979)
Instrumentation: for solo soprano, vocal ensemble (SATB), oboe, viola, violoncello, and marimbaphone
Texts: Indianische Texte
The Children Songs (which received a prize from the University of California in 1973) are a kind of half scenic cantata based on Indian text.
Duration: 8' 00"
Claude FerrierIn Anno Jubilaei (2000)
Instrumentation: for 2pic.2cbn and twele-voice mixed choir
Duration: 5' 00"
Kurt MeierIch bin gewiss (2007)
MotetInstrumentation: for four-part choir
Romans 8, 38 ff.
Duration: 5' 00"
Kurt MeierDu bist die Quelle des Lebens (2007)
MotetInstrumentation: for four-part choir
Psalms 36 /Johannes 8.
Kurt MeierBetrachtung der Zeit (2012)
Instrumentation: for a cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: Andreas Gryphius
Duration: 3' 00"
Kurt MeierO min Herr (2012)
Niklaus von Flüe's prayerInstrumentation: for a cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 5' 00"
Thüring BrämDrei Psalmen (1980-1981)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir (five groups, each with eight voices- register score ad libitum)
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
A good amateur choir can tackle this spatial work for sub divided groups. It uses many vocal facets including sounds, screaming, speaking and singing. Text from the Old Testament.
Duration: 15' 00"
Laurent Mettraux"Vers le soleil couchant", oratorio, M. 528 (1995-1996)
Instrumentation: for four soli (SATB), children's choir or girl choir, mixed choir and orchestra (0.0.acl.2bthn.2/
Texts: Gilgamesh-Epos, Emily Brontë, Vedas (indisch), Guillaume Apollinaire
Numerous, equally overlapping texts regarding the problem of death: from the epic of Gilgamesh to E. Brontë, from the Vedas to Apollinaire. A very impressive work in its expressivity and its musical and philosophical progression, with a multitude of climates and a very serene ending.
Duration: 42' 00"
(Parts available seperately form the composer; reduction for piano: sFr. 70.-; € 70.-)
Ruedi DebrunnerPsalms (1995)
Instrumentation: for two sopranos, choir and string orchestra
Duration: 20' 00"
Parts: CHF 30.-
Piano reduction: CHF 40.-
Bernhard SieberVerkündigung (1981-2016)
Einsätzige Kantate über Lukas 1, 26 - 55Instrumentation: S,A,T,B, - Soli, Gemischter Chor (S,A,T,B), Streichorchester (Violine 1 + 2, Viola, Violoncello, Kontrabass, Orgel (mit Pedal!)
Duration: 18' 42"
Klavierauszug CHF 24.00; Parts CHF 55.00
Rajiv Satapati66°33'55'' (2015)
Instrumentation: Symphonieorchester, Chor, Tenor-Solo
Duration: 10' 00"
Walter BaerDer gefrorene Christ (The Frozen Christ) (1990)
Instrumentation: for soprano and mixed a-cappella choir
Texts: Gottfried Keller, Angelus Silesius
The simple notation combines with the texts by Gottfried Keller and Angelus Silesius, creating to produce a multi-faceted musical statement. The limitations of good vocal voice-leading presents high-demands in intonation.
Duration: 12' 40"
Frédéric BolliIch lag in einem Schlafe (1994-1995)
Instrumentation: for solo soprano, mixed choir and orchestra (3fl/2tpt/2tbn/str)
Texts: Emmy Hennings, Klabund, Richard Huelsenbeck, Hugo Ball
Texts by Emmy Hennings, Klabund, Richard Huelsenbeck and Hugo Ball.
Duration: 50' 00"
Nicolas BolensOu le mystère précipité hurlé (2007) Instrumentation: for 8 solo voices (2S2A2T2B)
After "Un coup de Dés…" by Stéphane Mallarmé.
Duration: 18' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtPolitische Gefangene (1977)
Instrumentation: für Männerchor oder gemischten Chor
Texts: Hans Eugen Frischknecht
Ein Aufschrei gegen das Unrecht der Gefangennahme aus politischen Gründen. Der Text mit den Ländern kann auf die heutige Situation angepasst werden. Gut für einen Laienchor realisierbar.
Duration: 4' 00"
Hans-Jürg MeierHeimetvogel (2004)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, alphorn and accordion
Texts: Josef Reinhart
Arrangement of the folksong by Carl Hess.
Duration: 4' 00"
Nicolas BolensCon le dolci Stille (2007)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: Dante Alighieri
To an extract from the Divine Comedy.
Duration: 9' 00"
Bernhard SieberDer 77. Psalm (1982-1985)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir and orchestra (
Duration: 11' 00"
Stefan WerrenKantate (1998)
Instrumentation: for choir, piano and percussion
Texts: Friedrich Hölderlin, Friedrich Nietzsche
Text: Friedrich Hölderlin, Friedrich Nietzsche.
Duration: 12' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meierschweifen (2004)
Instrumentation: for twelve voices (
Texts: Francesco Petrarca, Hans-Jürg Meier
The musicalisation of a journey by foot.
For a professional ensemble; many noise-like parts.
Duration: 16' 00"
Rudolf JaggiFlucht (1977)
Instrumentation: for choir (SAB), oboe, alto saxophone and bass clarinet
Texts: Hans Häring
Text: Hans Häring.
Duration: 15' 00"
Balz TrümpySunt etenim pinnae volucres mihi (1996)
MotetInstrumentation: for eight a-cappella voices
Texts: Boethius, Carlos Castaneda, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Based on texts by Boethius, Carlos Castaneda and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Duration: 15' 00"
Ruedi DebrunnerMusaka Songs (2003)
Praphrase of Cameroonian hymnsInstrumentation: for precentor (m/f), monophonic choir, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin, violoncello and double-bass
Duration: 18' 00"
(Parts: CHF 50.-)
Bernhard SieberPsalm 113 (1984)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir and piano
Duration: 6' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtOhn-Mächtige (1980)
Instrumentation: for nine-part choir
Texts: Hans Eugen Frischknecht
Based on a text about political prisoners. On the musical level there is a continuously developing sound surface on a diatonic base throughout the work - a persisting expression of hope.
Duration: 10' 00"
Bernhard SieberPsalm 117 (1985)
CanonInstrumentation: for three voices
Duration: 1' 00"
Jacques DemierrePortrait de ça en cale sèche (1991)
Instrumentation: for speaker, three female voices, tuba, accordion, two pianos and choir
Texts: Jacques Roman
The content of the piece has a diffused feeling, a difficult to describe situation summed up excellently with a short sentence by B. Requichot: "je ne sais pas c'qui m'quoi."
Thüring BrämKantate nach Sprüchen von Angelus Silesius (1986)
Instrumentation: for soprano, mixed choir and string orchestra
Texts: Angelus Silesius
A very good amateur choir with a professional orchestral accompaniment can perform this varified piece.
Duration: 17' 00"
Bernhard Sieber2 geistliche Lieder (1986)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Texts: Heidi Kronauer
1. Sag es, Jesus!2. Die himmlische Stadt (Heidi Kronauer)
Duration: 6' 00"
Walter BaerMinne ist so wunderlich (1998)
SongsInstrumentation: for soli (SATB), mixed choir and four-handed piano
Texts: Johannes Hadlaub
Duration: 20' 00"
Hans-Jürg Meierdurante il giorno iI sole oscura le stelle (2006)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir (SSATB) and contrabass flute (also flute)
Texts: Ottavio Rinuccini, Catullus, Ovid, Hans-Jürg Meier
Ariadne's experiences with Theseus and Bacchus are related from the perspective of the Corona Borealis constellation:
1. Theseus and Ariadne: promise of marriage on the island of Nexus
2. Theseus: called upon by an aide to leave
3. Ariadne: abandonment and delusion
4. Ariadne and Bacchus: heavenly wedding and the casting of the crown into the sky, which remained in the form of the constellation.
Duration: 15' 00"
Ruedi DebrunnerLENZ. Am tiefen Blau ein leises Rot (2007)
Instrumentation: for male speaker, female speaker, choir and string quartet
Duration: 35' 00"
(Parts: CHF. 45.-)
Maria A. NiederbergerWehnachten für AlleInstrumentation: 2 Chöre SATB (antiphonal), and kleines Sinfonie Orchester
Texts: Maria A. Niederberger: A Star Shall Guide
Antiphonales Chorwerk mit kleinem Orchester. Tonal/modal geschrieben.
In diesem Werk kommunizieren ein Engel??" und irdischer Chor. Neben dem Englischen Gedicht “A Star Shall Guide “ verwende ich Vokalisierungen und lateinische Passagen für den Chor der Engel. Am Ende verbinden sich beide Chöre.
Duration: 5' 50"
Parts: CHF 42.-
Walter BaerDas Symposion des Xenophanes (2003)
CantataInstrumentation: for soli (AB from the choir) two choirs, flute, oboe, harp percussion and organ
Texts: Xenophanes von Kolophon, Marie Luise Kaschnitz
The two choirs are situated as far apart as possible. The vocal parts are demanding both for the soloists and the choir.
Duration: 38' 00"
Frédéric BolliSieben Volks- oder Studentenlieder und eine Zugabe (2003)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, partly with and partly without piano accompaniment
Texts: Volkslied
The text and melodies were taken from the volume 'Allgemeines Deutsches Kommersbuch' originally published by Hermann and Moritz in Schauenburg. The musical directors were Friedrich Silcher and Friedrich Erk. The choral parts are by Frédéric Bolli.
Duration: 25' 00"
Ruedi DebrunnerDer Sämann (2007)
Instrumentation: for choir and speaker ad libitum
Duration: 7' 30"
Kit PowellFrancesca e Paolo (2007)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir
Setting of the famous story of Francesca da Rimini by Dante.
Duration: 10' 00"
Urban MäderGesten - Nichts (2004)
Concert pieceInstrumentation: for choir (SATB), violin, double bass and organ
Commissioned by the Cantorin Contenti Zug. Even though the starting point for this composition is texts from Bach's "Jesu, meine Freude", "Gesten - Nichts" still remains a rudimentary music of sound and noise.
Duration: 14' 00"
Rudolf JaggiLamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae (1983)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB), orator and organ
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
Text: Vulgata.
Duration: 20' 00"
Stefan Werren3 Chorlieder (2001)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir
Texts: Silja Walter
Text: Silja Walter.
Duration: 5' 00"
Alfred Felderâtesh (2004-2006)
Musik für Sopran, Bariton, gemischten Chor und Orchester nach Gedichten von Moulana Djalal ad-Din Rumi (1207-1273)Instrumentation: Sopran solo, Bariton solo, gemischten Chor 2 Fl,, 2 Ob, 2 Kl, 2 Fag, 4 Hörner 2 Trompeten, 3 Posaunen, Timpani, 2 Schlagzeug, Streicher
Texts: Rumi, deutsch und persisch
1. Satz Adagio, Bariton und Orchester
2. Satz Allegro con brio, Sopran, Bariton und Orchester (wurde noch nicht aufgeführt)
3. Satz Andante, Chor und Orchester
4. Satz, Adagio, Sopran und Orchester,
5. molto Agitato Sopran, Bariton und Orchester1. Satz Adagio, Bariton und Orchester
2. Satz Allegro con brio, Sopran, Bariton und Orchester,
4. Satz, Adagio, Sopran und Orchester,
5. molto Agitato Sopran, Bariton und Orchester,
(der 3. Satz Andante, Chor und Orchester wurde noch nicht aufgeführt.
Duration: 50' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerDas Lied von Gottes Herrlichkeit (Psalm 92) (1965)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Duration: 7' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDas Fräulein an der Himmelstür (1984)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: Anonymus
Text anonymous (19th century).
Duration: 3' 00"
Vladislav JarosUnd nenne dich Glück (2010)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ
Texts: Rose Ausländer
Duration: 1' 40"
De-Qing WenThe Deep Tunnel (2017)
OratorioInstrumentation: for bass bariton, tenor, mix choir & orchestra
Duration: 16' 30"
Parts: CHF 150.-
Rudolf JaggiZwölf Uhr (1985)
Instrumentation: for male choir (TTBB) or mixed choir
Texts: Anonymus
Text anonymous (19th century).
Duration: 3' 00"
Jacques DemierreW. J. (take one) (1994)
Instrumentation: for choir
Texts: Henri Calet
A tribute to Henri Calet in the form of numbers and letters. Eight voices.
Duration: 9' 00"
Fortunat FrölichReflex/ktion-kleiner Heimat-Zyklus
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 24' 00"
Rudolf JaggiMuster der Zeit (1986)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB) and saxophone quartet
Texts: Heinrich Wiesner
Choral suite.-Jurasommer-September in den Freibergen-Schneefall
Duration: 11' 00"
(Sax parts: CHF 16.-)
Fortunat FrölichChara lingua
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 4' 00"
Fortunat Frölichloschtig
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 1' 00"
Fortunat FrölichHinderem Mond
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 3' 30"
Fortunat FrölichMorgenrot
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 6' 00"
Alfred KnüselVesper als Massstabwechsel von einer Realität in eine andere (2006-2007)
Instrumentation: for soprano, choir (SATB), flute, zink (tr), trombone and organ
1. Doxologie
2. Antiphon
3. Ektenie I
4. Hymne
5. Ektenie II
Duration: 20' 00"
Fortunat FrölichMeiteli
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 3' 15"
Fortunat Frölichdon dudel
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 1' 30"
Rudolf JaggiPetrus (Oratorium) (1989)
Instrumentation: for soprano, baritone, bass, choir (SATB), organ, flute, oboe, bassoon and strings
I Jünger
II Apostel
III Märtyrer
Alfred KnüselMarianische Antiphon 2007 (2007)
A-cappella choir pieceInstrumentation: for 9 voices
Text from "Salve Regina".
Duration: 8' 50"
Fortunat FrölichBelinda
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor SATB
Duration: 4' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtEine neue Schöpfungsgeschichte (1994)
Instrumentation: for twelve singing voices (
Texts: Südamerikanische Texte
The text is taken from an unknown South American commune where an end to war and exploitation is visualised in a seven-day creation.
Duration: 19' 00"
Fortunat Frölichändern (2019)
Instrumentation: gemischter Chor
Texts: Fortunat Frölich
Duration: 4' 40"
Hans Eugen Frischknecht"Jehan Alain, Facteur d'orgue" (1996)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Texts: Jehan Alain
The composer Jehan Alain (1911-1940) also produced surreal drawings that he branded with text. The composition, written without fixed tone pitch, is based on one of these texts. It can be performed easily by an amateur choir.
Duration: 4' 00"
Alfred KnüselSt. Clara Messe (2008)
Instrumentation: for choir (SATB), organ and one melodic instrument
Duration: 22' 00"
Hans Eugen FrischknechtPsalm 113 (1997)
Instrumentation: for three-part choir and organ or piano
Die Vorausnahme von Tönen für den Chor mit dem Instrument ist hilfreich. Dadurch ist das Werk auch für einen guten Laienchor realisierbar.
Duration: 3' 00"
Balz TrümpyDie Elemente (2008)
Instrumentation: for vocal ensemble ( and instruments (
Texts: Eduard Mörike
The music of my piece 'Die Elemente' refers in a simple and immediately understandable way to the text in the poem of the same name by Eduard Mörike. This poem impressed me with its combination of raging elemental force and naive tenderness. Despite the biblical citation that Mörike adds as a motto, I find the essence of his poem more archaic-antique, like a Greek or Germanic myth.
Duration: 17' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerLazarus: Musik für einen Gottesdienst (1969)
Instrumentation: for baritone solo, congregation, flute, trumpet, percussion and strings
Duration: 29' 00"
Urs Peter SchneiderRobert Walser Trilogie I,2: Tobold (1987-1988)
Scenes of humilityInstrumentation: for choir voices and orchestral groups
A cycle based on savage and partly lost writings; "Die schöne Frau von Thun" uses six instruments, which can be relatively freely chosen; "Tobold" is a compositional concept, formal and extremely variable in its instrumentation (the composer has arranged one version); "Das Mädchen mit den schönen Augen" is the last work before the composer's non-composing phase, maliciously simple, supposedly humorous - it is dedicated to the performer Marion Leyh.
Duration: variabel (Ausarbeitung durch den Komponisten: 10'00")
Rudolf JaggiBin alben e wärti Tächter gsi (Paraphrase) (1996)
Instrumentation: for choir (SAB), clarinet, oboe and bassoon
Duration: 4' 00"
incl. parts
Hans Eugen FrischknechtDona nobis pacem (2000)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
The final text of the Catholic Mass is set opposite reports of things such as war, concentration camps and mobbing which all circumvent peace. Suitable for a good amateur choir.
Duration: 11' 00"
Roland MoserFünf Schweizer Volkslieder (us em ?"Röseligarte?") (2005)
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor (drei- bis sechsstimmig)
Schönschter Abestärn
O du liebs ?"ngeli
Es isch kei sölige Stamme
Es het es Schneeli gschniiet
Dür ds Oberland uf
Balz TrümpyMissa ad te levavi (2010)
Instrumentation: for a cappella vocal ensemble (SATB)
Duration: 35' 00"
Vladislav JarosSometimes (2013-2014)
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano, mixed choir and orchestra ( bels/hp.cel/str)
A slow piece. Tonal, heartfelt music.
Duration: 6' 20"
Bernhard SieberDer Richter von Bellenz (2019)
Instrumentation: Gesangsquartett oder gemischter Chor und Klavier
Texts: Johann Jakob Reithard
Duration: 5' 00"
Hans Eugen Frischknecht"So benötigt der Friede dich" (2001)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
The anonymous text was recited at an ACAT general meeting (Action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture). The emphasis is on how important the individual is in world affairs.
Duration: 6' 00"
Francisco ObietaKremser Requiem (2010)
OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: ca. 75 min
Rudolf JaggiAu clair de la lune (Paraphrase) (1999)
Instrumentation: for soprano solo, choir (SATB) and piano
Duration: 4' 00"
(Including choir part)
Balz TrümpyKomm, o Tod, du Schlafes Bruder (2012)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, violin and 4 tom toms
After a choral melody by Johannes Crüger and a Teton Sioux melody. A Baroque longing for death vis-a-vis the Teton Sioux's unconditional will to live.
Duration: 6' 00"
Francisco ObietaMissa Urbana XXI (2012)
MesseInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: 57' 38"
Vladislav JarosFloreat Domus (2015)
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor (SATB)
Anklänge an die Renaissance, tonal.
Duration: 5' 00"
Rudolf JaggiMondendinge (2000)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: Christian Morgenstern
Based on Christian Morgenstern.1. Das Mondschaf (2'10)2. Die Mitternachtsmaus (1'50)3. Mondendinge (1'50)
Duration: 6' 00"
Thüring BrämA Cradle Song (1996)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir (twenty four-part, six per SATB with a minimum of sixteen voices)
Texts: William Blake
A work dedicated to the BBC Singers. Blake's plain but simultaneously complex text is translated into simple musical choir language representing the 'fin de siècle' of the 20th century. The work requires particular professionalism in regard to the intonation.
Duration: 9' 00"
Rudolf JaggiZwei Uhren (Lieder nach Christian Morgenstern) (2000)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: Christian Morgenstern
1. Die Korfsche Uhr
2. Palmströms Uhr
Duration: 3' 00"
Rudolf JaggiVon Zeit und Ewigkeit (2000)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Texts: G. Küffer
Text: G. Küffer.
Duration: 3' 00"
Rudolf Jaggi6 Kanons (2001)
zum EinsingenInstrumentation: for a-cappella choir (3-4 parts)
Duration: 8' 00"
Francisco ObietaVerbrennt das Feuer (2014)
Jan Hus OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Texts: Ivo Ledergerber
Duration: 90' 00"
Rudolf Jaggis isch äbe n e Mönsch uf Ärde (2001)
Instrumentation: for a-cappella choir (SATB)
Duration: 1' 00"
Rudolf JaggiFrühlingsidyll (2003)
Instrumentation: for mixed a-cappella choir
Francisco ObietaSteiner Requiem (2016)
OratoriumInstrumentation: für Solisten, Chor und Orchester
Duration: 73' 08"
Francisco ObietaMissa Resurrexit (2017)
Premiere Easter Sunday 2018
Duration: 34' 42"
Rudolf JaggiVier heitere Chorlieder für alle Chorgattungen (2004)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir (SAMez), female choir (SSA) or male choir (TTB) (or all three choir categories simultaneously)
Texts: Wilhelm Busch, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1. Humor (W. Busch)
2. Höflichkeit (W. Busch)
3. Die Frösche (J.W. von Goethe)
4. Die Hasen (anonymous)
Rudolf JaggiJe sais, Vièrge Marie (2004)
Instrumentation: for choir (SAB), soloists (SATB), panpipes and/or alto flute and small orchestra (perc/str)
Duration: 4' 00"
incl. Choir part
Rudolf JaggiTwo Paraphrases over Bolivian Christmas Carols (2004)
Instrumentation: for choir (SAB), soloists (SATB), panpipes and/or altoflute and orchestra (
1. Hoch steht am Himmel uns der Stern
2. Flieg, mein Vogel
Duration: 16' 30"
(Parts: CHF 36.-)
Vladislav JarosMoossee (Orchesterfassung) (2018)
Instrumentation: Ein volksliedartiges Orchesterlied für Sopran, Mezzosopran, Chor und Orchester
Duration: 4' 14"
Rudolf JaggiIm Wald (2005)
Instrumentation: for four-part mixed choir
Texts: Emanuel Geibel
version in F-major.
Duration: 3' 00"
Ernst PfiffnerVeni, veni, gaudium (1991)
Instrumentation: for two - eight-part mixed choir
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
This composition is based on the eternal and primordial concern with the Pentecostal Litany. A twelfth century melody together with poetry by Stephan Langton (also around 1200 AD) acts as a cantus firmus. The rhythm, declamation, voicing, orchestration, phrasing and expression of the piece is highly distinguished from the litany of the middle ages, from which the title has borrowed the first and last word.
Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 12' 00"
Rudolf JaggiUnseri Regio (2005)
Instrumentation: for four-part mixed choir
Texts: Walter Probst
Duration: 3' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerFrau Musica zur Ehr (1973)
Instrumentation: for youth choir, mixed choir, three trumpets, three trombones and tuba
Texts: Volkslied
Folksong text.
Duration: 5' 30"
Hansruedi WilliseggerBitte, Lob und Dank (1973)
Instrumentation: for cantor, three sopranos, mixed choir, congregation, three orators, three flutes, violoncello, double-bass and bongos
Duration: 12' 00"
Ernst PfiffnerEine Kantilene vom Menschen (1992)
Instrumentation: for choir, oboe, violoncello and percussion
Texts: Matthias Claudius
This piece is based on the poem 'Empfangen und genähret' (Received and Nourished) by Matthias Claudius in connection with extracts from the book Kohelet (300 BC). Despite being scored for three vocal and three instrumental parts, the fascinating phenomenon of monophony is kept throughout,Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 4' 00"
Rudolf JaggiDrei Trinkkanons (2005)
Instrumentation: for 3-4 identical or mixed voices
1. Stosst an! (T + M: R. Jaggi)
2. Trinklied (T + M: R. Jaggi)
3. Die drei Sterne (Text: Theodor Körner)
Duration: 3' 00"
Rudolf JaggiConcinatur! (2005)
A bawdy songInstrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
Text: Anonymous, 13th century.
Duration: 2' 00"
Max E. KellerGraduale (2005)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir, clarinet in B ad libitum, and percussion (2 toms, 2 bongos, cymbals) ad libium
Texts: Silja Walter.
Duration: 4' 00"
(Including clarinet part)
Rudolf JaggiZwei Lieder nach Gedichten von Ludwig Uhland (two songs after poems by Ludwig Uhland) (2006)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
1. Des Knaben Berglied
2. Lauf der Welt
Duration: 4' 00"
Ernst Pfiffner"Da der Tod" (1991-1993)
Instrumentation: for monophonic choir, alto, orator, flute, English horn, viola, violoncello and small percussion
Texts: Karl Mittlinger und W.A. Mozart
Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 25' 00"
Rudolf JaggiZwei Lieder nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine (two songs after poems by Heinrich Heine) (2006)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
1. Saphire sind die Augen dein
2. Es treibt mich hin, es treibt mich her
Duration: 4' 00"
Ernst PfiffnerOsterbuch (1994-1996)
Instrumentation: for soli (MezATBarB), choir and orchestra (2.2(2ca).2.2/
Texts: Euripides, Karl Jaspers, Blaise Pascal, William Shakespeare, Bibel / Liturgie
Work series A: Music for concerts.
Duration: 45' 00"
Rudolf JaggiMenschwerdung (2008)
Christmas cantataInstrumentation: for tenor solo, choir (SATB) and orchestra
Duration: 27' 00"
parts: CHF 65.-
Rudolf JaggiLob der Musik (2009)
SongInstrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
Duration: 2' 40"
René WohlhauserMasona (2009-2010)
Ergon 41, Musikwerknummer 1548, auf Texte des KomponistenInstrumentation: 16-stimmig gemischten Chor a cappella
Duration: 17' 00"
Rudolf JaggiLobgesang (2009)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir (SATB), 2 clarinets and bass clarinet
Texts: Abraham Emanuel Fröhlich
Duration: 7' 00"
Rudolf JaggiNeuer Frühling (2009)
5 songsInstrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
Texts: Heinrich Heine
Duration: 10' 00"
Rudolf JaggiGar fröhlich tret ich in die Welt (2009)
SongInstrumentation: for mixed choir SATB
Texts: Theodor Körner
Duration: 2' 00"
Rudolf JaggiIch preise Dich, Herr (2011)
Instrumentation: for 2 choirs (S1A1T1B1/S2A2T2B2)
Double choir psalm after Dead Sea scroll XI from Qumran (1st/2nd century B.C.)
Duration: 7' 00"
Rudolf JaggiCantate Domino (2013)
Motet Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Duration: 4' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerVier geistliche Gesänge (1979)
Instrumentation: for twelve solo voices (seven female, five male) and mixed choir
Texts: Bibel / Liturgie
1. Lob und Herrlichkeit
2. Heilig ist Gott in Herrlichkeit
3. Christe, Du Lamm Gottes4. Gloria
Duration: 7' 00"
Rudolf JaggiWir singen heitern Mutes (2013)
SongInstrumentation: for mixed choir (SAB)
Texts: Richard Zoozmann
Duration: 4' 00"
Max E. KellerAbschied (2011)
Instrumentation: for 16 a-cappella voices
Texts: Max E. Keller
'Abschied' (farewell) accompanies the quasi last hours of a close and loved person. A continuous life tone remains at a constant pitch, but is widely varied and modulated as it fights in vain against the innevitable demise. These tones contrast againt an intensive life and finally ebb away.
Duration: 8' 00"
Rudolf JaggiConserva me, Domine (2013)
Instrumentation: for 10 solo voices (2S.2Mez.2A.2T.2B)
Duration: 5' 40"
Hansruedi WilliseggerCantico delle creature (Sonnengesang des Hl. Franz von Assisi) (1984)
Instrumentation: for vocal ensemble (SATB), choir, children's choir and large orchestra (
Duration: 35' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerHumida de gelidis (1990)
Instrumentation: for choir and brass band (Ebcnt.3cnt-b.3Ebhn.2Ebbar.3tbn.euph.Ebbass.bass-b.timp)
Duration: 8' 00"
Hansruedi Williseggerund maria (2003)
Instrumentation: for vocal double quartet (poss. small choir) and mixed choir
Texts: Kurt Marti, Silja Walter, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Novalis
Text: Kurt Marti, Silja Walter, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Novalis.
Duration: 8' 00"
Hansruedi WilliseggerFive Swiss Folk Songs (2004)
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Die obe-n-of em Bergli
Wenn min Schatz go fuetere gohd
Jacques de Courtion
Bellezza mia cara
Ai buna sera beala
Duration: 12' 00"
Markus ZempDormi, dormi, bel bambin
Weihnachtslied aus ItalienInstrumentation: SATB
Markus ZempIhr Hirten, erwacht
Instrumentation: Gemischter Chor
Weihnachtslied um 1900 aus dem Entlebuch
Markus ZempJe sais, Vierge Marie
Weihnachtslied aus Frankreich, 16. Jh.Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor
Markus ZempO Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf
Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor
Texts: Friedrich Spee 1622
Markus ZempVieni sulla barchetta
Instrumentation: SATB
aus dem Tessin
Markus ZempVamos cantando
Weihnachtslied aus Spanien (Galicia)Instrumentation: für gemischten Chor
Markus ZempBETRUF (2000)
Instrumentation: 2 Ob./EH/Fg./2Hr./3Trp./gem. Chor/Streichorchester
Naturtonreihen (mit dem heute eher ungewohnten ‘Alphorn-Fa’ - gespielt mit Naturhörnern und Naturtrompeten), Alphornmelodik und Innerschweizer Betrufmotive bilden das
Basismaterial zu dieser Collage für Chor und Orchester. Getreue Wiedergaben (z.B. der vollständige Schrattenfluh-Betruf durch die 2. Trompete) kommen ebenso vor wie Improvisationen über bestimmte Tonvorräte. Beim Eingangschor handelt sich um die Vertonnung des Psalms 91,1 : Wer unter dem Schirm des Höchsten wohnt, wer im Schatten des Allmächtigen ruht, der darf sprechen zum Herrn: ‘Meine Zuflucht, meine Feste, mein Gott, auf den ich vertraue.’ Der längere rein instrumentale Mittelteil mündet in gewohnte Tonalität, und den Abschluss bildet der Bach'sche Choral BWV 13: „Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan“.
Duration: 10' 00"
Stimmenauszüge total: 18.60 CHF
René WohlhauserLaß' uns schweben (2021/2023) Parergon 12, Nr. 40a, Musikwerknummer 2100Instrumentation: Sopran, Bariton, kleiner Chor, elektrische Gitarre, Keyboard, E-Baß und Schlagzeug
Texts: René Wohlhauser
Song in Hochdeutsch auf einen Vokaltext des Komponisten.
Uraufführung: Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023, Haus zur Musik, Basel, mit Christine Simolka (Sopran und el. Drums), René Wohlhauser (Bariton und el. Gitarre) und Elia Seiffert (Keyboard incl. E-Baß).
ISBN 978-3-907467-14-5
Duration: 3' 03"
parts total: 12.60 CHF
Katharina WeberANTWORT (2023)
Instrumentation: for 4-voices female choir, solo soprano and speaker
after a poem by Forugh Farrochzâd
and some words from an Iranian protest song, spoken text from an interview with the young Iranian composer
Ali Latif Shushtari
Andreas BrennerEcce lignum crucis (2023)
Instrumentation: choir a cappella
Ecce lignum crucis - (in) quo salus mundi pependit: venite adoremus
Duration: 9' 00"